Expressions of Thought Flashcards
affirmer que
to claim that
attester que
to testify that
certifier que
to guarantee that
dire que
to say that
déclarer que
to declare that
garantir que
to guarantee that
assurer que
to assure that
avancer que
to put forward that
promettre que
to promise that
C’est un fait que
It’s a fact that
Il est certain que
It’s certain that
Il est évident que
It’s evident that
Il est clair que
It’s clear that
Il est vrai que
It’s true that
Il va de soi que
It goes without saying that
Constater que
to state that
Croire que
to believe that
Estimer que
to reckon that
Penser que
to think that
Se rendre compte que
to realise that
Supposer que
to guess that
Trouver que
to find that
Il me semble que
It seems to me that
Il me parait que
It seems to me that
On dirait que
It looks as if