Expressions Flashcards
How are you?
Hvordan går det?
Where do you come from?
Hvor kommer du fra?
Could you please send me the chocolate?
Kan du være så snille og sende meg sjokoladen?
Do you have plans for tonight?
Har du planer i kveld?
Would you like to eat some food?
Vil du spise noe mat?
Could you send me the garlic?
Kan du sende meg hvitløken?
How much is it? (price)
Hvor mye koster den?
Thats a really nice apartment!
Det var en veldig fin leilighet!
How can I find the toilet?
Hvordan kan jeg finne toalettet?
On which floor can I find the restaurant?
I hvilken etasje kan jeg finne restauranten?
Are you healthy?
Er du frisk?
Do you have any pain?
Har du noen smerter?
How old are you?
Hvor gammel er du?
Can I invite you for some wine?
Kan jeg invitere/by deg på litt vin?
Is that your car?
Er det bilen din?