Expressions Flashcards
Considero que
I consider that
Me resulta
It seems to me
A mi juicio
In my judgement
Según yo
According to me
Diría que
I would say that
Me atrevería a decir que
I would dare say that
No comparto la idea
I don’t share the idea
Si fuera posible
If it were posible
Es importante que hagamos
It is important that we do
Si tuviera que elegir
If I had to choose
Que yo sepa
As far as I know
Si hubiera podido
If I could
Si tuviera la oportunidad
If I had the opportunity
Si estuviera en su piel
If I were in your shoes
Me irrita
It irritates me
Me pone de los nervios
It makes me nervous
Me fastidia
It bothers me
No soporto
I can not stand
Mi amigo español me dijo que
My spanish friend tells me that
Leí con una web española que
I read a spanish website that
Vale la pena
It is not worth it
No es una camino de rosas
Its not a path of roses
Es pan comido
It is a piece of cake
Será cuestión de tiempo
It will be a matter of time
Es una pérdida de tiempo
It is a waste of time
De ahí que
Thats why
De ahí que
Thats why