Expressions Flashcards
p = constant
s = constant
- adiabatic & reversible
entropy = measure of the irreversibilty of a process
- belongs to 2nd law of thermodynamics
- when ideal process = s =constants
- either increases or remains constants
- reversible means no entropy change
no heat energy transfer
T2/T1 = T3/T4 = p2/p1 ^(k-1)/k
T = constant
Carnot cycle
- ideal reversible closed thermodynamic cycle
- most efficient
- Carnot efficiency: nc = 1- (T0/T)
h [kJ/kg]
- measure of total heat present in system
- p=constant
- capacity to do non-mechanical work & to release heat
- used to calculate power output of a turbine
Clausius Rankine cycle
- fuel used to produce heat within boiler
- converting water into steam which then expands through a turbine producing useful work
- steam power process
Joule cycle
Gas turbines
Exergetic efficiency
Carnot efficiency
NICHT in % angeben, sondern 0,31
Watt in Megawatt
durch 1.000.000
1/R12 = 1/R1 + 1/R2
R345 = R3 + R4 + R5
U = Volt
I = Ampere
R= Ohm
Power [Watt] = I [A] * V [V]
How to calculate the charge Q ?
I [A] = charge Q /time
Where can electricity be stored?
Pumped storage
h2 storage
What kind of current do PV & fuel cells produces?
DC - all formulas are DC
Power formula for hydropower plants
1000 * 9,81 * height difference * volume flow * efficiency (wird nicht immer genutzt) = Power [W]
Coefficient of performance
> 1 for heat pumps
Formeln auswendig lernen!!!
Watt in Megawatt
durch 1.000.000
What is the difference between energy and power?
Energy = Joule
Power = Watt
Energetic efficiency E when converting energy
100% * 60% * 95% * …= 45%
Determine the exergy share
E * nc = 100% * 60% * 95% * …nc = mcp*delta T * nc
nc = you know
What is the degree of utilization? or the efficiency?
useful work W [W] / supplied energy Q[W]
What is daily energy demand?
(Capacity * Load hours)/ avg. efficiency
How to interpol linearly?
y = y1 + ((y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)) * (x - x1)
What is Joule?
m^2kg / s^2
MJ in MWh
1 MJ = 3600 MWh
KJ in J
1 KJ = 1000 Joule
How do you apply the 1st law of thermodynamics in a steam power process as a formula?
Q in - Q out + P in - P out = 0
pv - diagram shows ….
useful work : alles W out; unten W in
TS- diagram shows…
supplied energy: alles q in; unten q out