Expressionism Flashcards
What was the aim of expressionism
The aim of expressionist writers was to expose the inner feelings and experiences of the characters, rather than the outer reality in which they existed. The focus was on the journey of the soul of the main character, so the normal order of events and the unities of time, place and action were disrupted to create a heightened affect
Structure of expressionist plays ?
Okay usually wrote in an episodic structure, presenting only highpoints of the action. Expressionism dialogue does not have cause and affect but rather it focuses on the impact of specific, critical moments. The dialogue is isolated and stripped of all small talk and exposition. We are given a fragmentary series of scenes to reveal the chaotic nature of the inner reality of the main character
Characters of expression plays
Characters in plays were often nameless, kind of Everyman. They are two-dimensional and depersonalised types. They play into stereotypes.
The main character of protagonist it’s usually the only complex character, since we are viewing all the action to his or her eyes are the characters are usually not psychologically complex.
Dialogue in expressionism
Dialogue is exaggerated and highly emotional in order to convey the theme. The entire rhythm of the play is staccato, abrupt and often shocking to the audience. Languages use theoretically to create a fix an atmosphere.
Style of performance in expressionism
The directing style was pictorial, with composition being an important factor. The stage was cleared of the box set, and became relatively stark and bare. Different areas and levels of the state were used imaginatively. Often light would pick out a detail, providing the appropriate psychological setting for the protagonist. Scenery, lighting, sound and costumes were all used to bring out the thoughts and feelings of the main character, and to evoke an emotional response from the audience. Fragmentary, distorted images, skeletal settings and odd lighting affects revealed a distorted world.
What is theatrical realism
A form of realism which combines poetic and irrational elements to emphasis the world of the subconscious