Express Flashcards
denote v
to mean something = signify, stand for, symbolize
vexed adj =
annoyed, frustrated, or worried. | problematic, difficult
indignant adj
angry because of an unfair situation or someone’s unfair treatment : aggrieved , resentful
perch v perched adj v
If you perch on something, you sit down lightly on the very edge or tip of it.
x is bounded by
If someone’s life or situation is bounded by certain things, those are its most important aspects and it is limited or restricted by them.
Our lives are bounded by work, family and television.
Synonyms: limit, fix, define, restrict
bound n
long or high jump.
She leaps in one bound onto her pony’s back for a speedy canter around the ring.
Synonyms: leap, bob, spring, jump
Bounds n
limits which normally restrict what can happen or what people can do.
- a forceful personality willing to go beyond the bounds of convention
some area is bounded by
If an area of land is bounded by something, that thing is situated around its edge.
- the park, bounded by two busy main roads and a huge housing estate
surround, confine, enclose, terminate
bound v
If the quantity or performance of something bounds ahead, it increases or improves quickly and suddenly.
- The shares bounded ahead a further 11p to 311p.
- I’m pretty desk-bound, which is very frustrating.
- a glimmer of sun on a frost-bound field.
- a tradition-bound university.
- describe a person who finds it impossible or very difficult to leave the specified place.
- describe a place that is greatly affected by the specified type of weather.
- describe something or someone that is prevented from working properly or is badly affected by the specified situation.
set exam vs sit an exam
prepare vs take an exam
await v
wait for, expect
He’s awaiting trial,
there will be a A nasty surprise awaited them
vulgar adj
marked by lack of taste, culture, delicacy, manners.
rude behavior or bad quality .
Synonyms: tasteless, crudeness, rudeness.
- I think it’s a very vulgar house.
- The film is tasteless, vulgar and even badly shot.
scorching adj
hot, sweltering ,broiling
ravenous adj
starving starved very hungry
parched adj
dried out or up, or very thirsty
parched earth/fields/corn
destitute adj
penniless, poor, impoverished, poverty-stricken
sluggish adj
very slow, inactive
jubilant adj
overjoyed, rejoicing , very happy, thrilled ,delighted
squalid adj
dirty filthy foul
tangible adj
perceptible by touch.or real and not imaginary; able to be shown, touched, or experienced:
prototype v , n
a first, typical or preliminary model of something, from which other forms are developed or copied.
rigorous adj
severe or difficult, esp. because at a high level:
meticulous punctilious diligent conscientious
Dictate v
order or to influence something by making it necessary
- The characteristics of the land dictate much of what can be built.
- I wanted to take a year off, but my financial situation dictated that I got a job.
Binge n v
N:To go on a binge is to do a lot of something: He’s on a binge, eating everything in sight. a drinking/eating/spending binge. He went on a five day drinking binge.
V: I tend to binge on ice cream when I’m lonely.
reputable adj
having a good reputation: known to be honest and to do good work:
- a reputable company/dealer/brand
- Buy shares only from reputable sources.
Amendment n
a change or changes made to the words of a text:
a change to a law, either one that has already been passed or one that is still being discussed:
tenacious adj
unwilling to accept defeat or stop doing or having something:
holding tightly onto something, or keeping an opinion in a determined way:
- The baby took my finger in its tenacious little fist.
- There has been tenacious local opposition to the new airport.
linear adj
consisting of or related to straight lines:
or (esp. of stories or ideas) continuing in a clear and reasonable way from one part to the next:
direct and clear:
Sequential adj
forming or following in a logical order or sequence.
the process of improving the appearance of someone or something:
hypocrite adj
someone who says they have particular moral beliefs but behaves in way that shows these are not sincere:
interrogate v
ask questions of (someone, especially a suspect or a prisoner) closely, aggressively, or formally.
The man was held and interrogated for five hours.
reciprocate v
respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one.
We gave them information, but they didn’t reciprocate.
Hemingway loved Stein and she reciprocated his love.
Sadly, my feelings for him were not reciprocated.
drafty adj
(of an enclosed space) cold and uncomfortable because of currents of cool air.
furnace n
a container for holding burning substances, usually to heat buildings or to melt metals and other materials
Census n
an official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals.
procrastinating n
to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring:
curfew n
a rule that everyone must stay at home between particular times, usually at night, especially during a war or a period of political trouble:
- to impose/lift a curfew
- a midnight curfew
- He was shot for breaking (= not obeying) the curfew.
or a time by which a child must be home in the evening:
- You’ll be in trouble if you get home after curfew.
- Past his/her curfew
futility n futile adj
pointlessness or uselessness.
prevailing adj
The bank said it will buy the shares at the prevailing market price.
prevailing economic/market conditions
perilous adj
dangerous , hazardous, risky ,unsafe
extremely dangerous:
phony adj
raudulent, spurious, fake, deceptive
lo and behold
something that you say when you tell someone about something surprising that happened
arbitrary adj
based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
arbitrary decision-making
Did you have a reason for choosing your destination or was it arbitrary?
adherent of adj
supporter defender advocate or sticky
an adherent surface
She has been an adherent of home schooling for years.
populist adj
a person or a politician
gloopy adj
= thick or sticky
spontaneously adv
= naturally without being planned
intuitive adj
= based on feelings rather than facts or proof: instinctive
contract v
= decrease, shrink, diminish, get smaller, reduce, decline
assimilate v
= integrate or understand or absorbed by the body
distilled , distill, distillation =
the action of purifying a liquid by a process of heating and cooling.
layer v =
to arrange something in layers
improvise v
extemporize : create and perform (music, drama, or verse) spontaneously or without preparation.
cascade v n
to fall quickly and in large amounts:
coins cascaded from/out of the fruit machine.
a small waterfall, often one of a group
crucifixion n
the act of killing someone by fixing that person to a cross and leaving him or her to die, or the death of Jesus on a cross
altitude n
the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level.
The city of Denver is situated at an altitude of almost exactly one mile.
We are currently flying at an altitude of 15,000 metres.
Mountain climbers use oxygen when they reach higher altitudes.
outlaw v
ban; make illegal.
banish exile expel ban bar prohibit forbid
aggravate v
bulldozed blldozer
clear (ground) or destroy (buildings, trees, etc.) with a bulldozer.
a building or complex of buildings containing a number of individually owned apartments or houses.
patriotic adj
having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country.
pierce v
(of a sharp pointed object) go into or through (something).
sickening nauseous sickly disgusting
causing or liable to cause a feeling of nausea or disgust; disgusting.
gravity n
seriousness importance significance
extreme or alarming importance; seriousness.
inanimate adj
not alive, especially not in the manner of animals and humans.
involuntarily adv
in a way that is not willing, intentional, or by choice:
Many workers claimed that they were involuntarily exposed to secondhand smoke.
Her arms and legs began to shake involuntarily.
The law made it easier to involuntarily commit the mentally ill to a psychiatric hospital.
pivot ,v
to turn or twist, rotate, swivel
She pivots her left foot.
He pivoted on his heels and headed out.
Future deals will pivot on (= depend on) easing commercial conflicts.
pivot n
a fixed point supporting something which turns or balances, or a person or thing on which something else depends:
audit v
attend (a class) informally, not for academic credit.
conduct an official financial examination of (an individual’s or organization’s accounts).
audit n
an official examination of the accounts of a business:
Nepotism n
favoritism, preferential, treatment
the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.
stigmatize v
condemn, denounce, label, mark out
describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval.
People should not be stigmatized on the basis of race.
skeptic n
a person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions.
agonizing adj
excruciating, harrowing, racking, searing, extremely painful, acute, severe, torturous
causing extreme physical or mental pain or causing extreme worry:
- an agonizing death
recoil v
suddenly spring or flinch back in fear, horror, or disgust.
He leaned forward to kiss her and she recoiled in horror.
I recoiled from the smell and the filth.
She wondered how it would be to touch him and recoiled at the thought.
encompass v
cover, surround, include, cover
to include different types of things:/ surround and have or hold within.
-The plan encompasses repaving the street and planting 40 new trees.
negligible adj
trivial trifling insignificant unimportant minor inconsequential
so small or unimportant as to be not worth considering; insignificant.
pensive adj
thoughtful reflective meditative
quiet and thinking seriously:
combative adj
pugnacious aggressive argumentative
eager to fight or argue:
interrelated adj
connected in such a way that each thing has an effect on or depends on the other:
interrelated problems/issues/activities
Anxiety and depression are often interrelated.
reciprocate reciprocated v
respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one / If a part of a machine reciprocates, it moves backwards and forwards:
Some electric razors have reciprocating heads.
We gave them information, but they didn’t reciprocate.
Hemingway loved Stein and she reciprocated his love.
piques v
stimulate arouse rouse provoke excite
excite or cause interest:
Labor law piqued his interest in law school.
pervasive adj
prevalent pervading permeating extensive
present or noticeable in every part of a thing or place:
The influence of Freud is pervasive in her books.
a pervasive smell of diesel
stagnate v
(of water or air) cease to flow or move; become stagnant./ to stay the same and not grow or develop:
The electronics industry is showing signs of stagnating after 15 years of growth.
Relationships have to keep moving forward or they stagnate and die.
counterintuitive adj counter-intuitive
Something that is counter-intuitive does not happen in the way you would expect it to:
Steering a sailboat is counter-intuitive - you push the tiller the opposite way to the way you want to go.
intangible adj
unable to be touched or grasped; not having physical presence.
She has that intangible quality which you might call charisma.
intangible assets such as goodwill
bewilder v
baffle mystify perplex puzzle confuse
cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused.
bestow bestowed v
confer, grant
to give something as an honour or present: a title, degree, benefit, or right
The George Cross is a decoration that is bestowed upon/on British civilians for acts of great bravery.
seemingly adv
apparently, on the face of it, to all appearances, as far as one can see/tell
according to the facts that you know:
receptive adj
willing to listen to and accept new ideas and suggestions: