No hay tantos como antes había
There aren´t as many as there used to be
Jamás ha habido…
There has never been
No queda nada por hacer
There is nothing left to do
Quiero que haya
I want there to be
Puede que haya habido un …
There may have been
Antes había
There used to be
There is - There are
Había.. Hubo
There was - There were
Va a ver
There is going to be - There are going to be
Ha habido
There has been - There have been
No habrá
There will not be - There won´t be
There will be
Parece haber
There seem to be
Debe de haber
There must be
Tiene que haber
There have to be - There has to be
Puede que haya una solución
There may be a solution
¿No debería haber un índice?
Shouldn´t there be an index?
No tiene que haber una solución necesariamente
There doesn´t have to be necessarily a solution
¿Ha habido quejas?
Have there been any complaints?
¿Cuándo habrá…?
When will there be…?
¿Va a haber…?
Is there going to be …?
¿Por qué no había gente…?
Why weren´t there any people?
No parece haber una solución
There doesn´t seem to be a solution
Quiero que haya…
I want there to be…
Podría haber…
There could be
Podría haber habido
There could have been
There would be
Debería haber…
There should be
Debería haber habido
There should have been
No puede haber…
There can´t be