Exposure Variables and Image Characteristics Flashcards
what is attenuation?
A measure of how easily a material can be penetrated by an x-ray beam
It quantifies how much the beam is “attenuated” (weakened) by the material it is passing through
Attenuated x-ray photons are those that are absorbed, transmitted with a lower energy or scattered
why is attenuation important
if all different types of tissues in our bodies stopped x-rays in the same way we would not have a distinct image but just a uniform grey image on our screen.
Attenuation Summary
Can be referred to as the total reduction in the number of x-ray photons passing through tissue
Combination of Photoelectric Effect and Compton Scatter
As the atomic number (Z) and tissue mass density increase:
There is an increase in both Compton scatter and photoelectric effect
Greater attenuation of the x-ray photons
As the x-ray photon energy increases:
There is a decrease in photoelectric effect and Compton scatter becomes the predominant cause of attenuation
There is a reduction in the total attenuation so more photons are transmitted through the tissue
controllable variables
- what factor affect image quality and patient dose.
variables which affect image quality and patient dose.
- control x-ray photon energies.
- control the amount of x-ray photons available
- control the length of time x-ray photons are available
- control the overall exposure - AEC
- control the number of scattered photons reaching the target
- control the area of the patient being exposed
- control the distance between the source of x-ray photons and image receptor (SID)
- control the thickness of the area being exposed?
X-ray Photon Energies
- Homogenous or heterogenous x-ray beam?
The beams produced by x-ray tubes are photons of a wide range of energies - The lower-energy photons are attenuated more than the higher-energy photons, leaving overall a larger number high energy photons = beam hardening
- The resulting beam is of a higher average energy and can penetrate tissue easier
- Inherent filtration and additional filtration help to create a homogenous x-ray beam
Results in less lower energy photons
Average energy of photons
Total number of photons
X-ray Photon Energies - kV
The voltage used for an exposure indicates the power/intensity of the x-ray photons produced
The higher the kV, the greater the penetrative power of the x-ray beam
The kV selected determines the _contrast________ within an image
The amount of x-ray contrast produced is determined by the object characteristics:
atomic number
tissue density
tissue thickness
For an object or anatomical structure to be visible in an x-ray image, it must have physical contrast in relationship to the tissue or other material in which it is embedded
The difference in x-ray penetration between different tissues represents the contrast in the image
In other words, image contrast is how easily we can tell different structures apart
Amount of X-Ray Photons - mAs
The __current_____ and ___exposure time __________ used indicate the amount of x-ray photons generated
The higher the mAs, the more x-ray photons produced
The mAs selected determines the (radiographic) density within an image
Radiographic density is the amount of blackness (or lack of it) on an image
resulting gray scale image on xray
air - fat - soft tissue - bone - metal
Radiographic density is directly proportional to the quantity of photons used to create any part of the image
the more photons hitting the detector the darker the image
Grey Scale Image
An x-ray image is made of different levels of grey or a combination of varying radiographic densities
an area of the image where a larger amount of the xray beam passed through unobstructed to reach the detector - blacker on the x-ray image
an area of the patient that is absorbed or scattered a large amount of the incident x-ray beam prior to it reaching the detector - the tissues in question block the x-rays from reaching the detector - whiter on the x-ray image
Exposure Time
The longer the exposure, the more chance that the patient will move, which creates motion blur in the resulting image
When is it useful to have a shorter exposure time?
controllable variable
variables which affect image quality and patient dose;
- control the x-rays photon energies
- control the amount of xrays photons available
- control the length of time xray photons are available.
Exposure Time - When is useful to have a longer exposure time?
the longer the exposure the more chance that the patient will move which creates motion blur in the resulting image.
when is it useful to have a shorter exposure time?
- paediatric imaging
- patients in pain who cannot keep still
- confused patients
- voluntary/ involuntary patient movement (chest, abdomen)
when is useful to have a longer exposure time?
a long exposure time e.g 2 seconds results in blurring of the bowel gas, ribs and diaphragm
- the spinal bony anatomy remains sharp
- patient is asked to keep still but remain breathing during the exposure
control variables - control the overall exposure - AEC
Automatic exposure control is a device incorporated into radiographic imaging systems.
Its function is to automatically terminate exposure when a preset amount of radiation reaching the image receptor has been detected
Helps to provide a consistent image density/signal-to-noise ratio, regardless of patient factors such as size and density
Assist radiographers to achieve an optimum exposure and reduce ‘dose creep’ that can occur with inadvertent overexposure