Exposure Flashcards
What is the biggest threat to man?
– Man himself
– War
– Bullets
– Weather/Nature
– Duty / Compulsion / Expectation – Absence of God
“Our brains ache”
Shared experience Assonance – sharp ‘A’ sound to indicate the physical pain
“silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous,”
Sibilance of the repeated ‘s’ sound creates the effect of whispering, an attempt to not draw the attention of the enemy, who are futilely using flares to see what is going on.
“Wearied we keep”
Assonance – elongated ‘e’ in the verb sound to emphasise their fatigue
“But nothing happens”
Short simple half –line emphasises their boredom and tension Unnatural silence – makes soldiers nervous
Far off, like a dull rumour of some other war.
Real war seems distant, while they nervously wait – Biblical allusion Mathew 24.6 where Jesus foretells the end of the world and says: “you will hear of wars and rumours of wars
gunnery rumbles,
Distant sounds of war- onomatopaia and assonance “u” creates vivid aural description
Like twitching agonies of men among its brambles.
Weather brings back memories of watching fellow solders die on the barbed wire