export_week 10 summary exercises Flashcards
When encountering an IPv4-only router, an IPv6 datagram is dropped.
Select all features explicit in IPv6 which are not explicitly available in IPv4. (Check all that apply)
- 128-bit addresses
- Extension headers
- Flow labeling
- Explicit Payload Length
1234:aac:a03::abcd is a valid preferred-format IPv6 address.
Which of the following are used in a wired Ethernet network? (Check all that apply)
- Exponential back-off/retry for collision resolution
- Collision Detection (CD)
- Carrier Sense Multi-Access (CSMA)
Given the following diagram of typical Ethernet hardware frame:
Select the proper portion of the data encapsulation from the dropdown menu, which corresponds to the letter in the figure.
- Hardware framing characters
- hardware frame header
- IP Header
- TCP/UDP header
A link-layer link between only two adjacent nodes is called a/an _____ link.
point to point
In Random Access multiple access schemes, no two nodes will ever transmit at the same time.
Select all Random Access schemes below.
There are reserved MAC addresses unusable for devices.
Most modern Ethernet LANs use a _____ topology.
A MAC address is permanent and unique.
In an Ethernet network, after 8 collisions, the range of wait times will be …
[0, 1, … 255] * 512 bit times
Ethernet uses a RTS/CTS contention-free period.
If an Ethernet sender senses a clear channel, and begins transmission, but shortly thereafter detects a collision, it will…
Terminate transmission and enter exponential backoff.
01h 78h 1Bh 79h 1Bh 7Ah 1Bh 7Ah 04h
Which of the following are used in a wireless network such as 802.11n?
- Exponential back-off/retry for collision resolution
- Collision Avoidance
- Reservation system with Request to Send (RTS) and Clear to Send (CTS)
- Carrier Sense Multiple Access
In direct routing, after the initial contact with the home network, the correspondent sends packets to
The care-of address
A device which moves between networks is a _____device.
In indirect routing, after the initial contact with the home network, the correspondent sends packets to _____
The permanent address
Which of the following are major issues that must be handled in wireless networks (i.e., issues that are more significant than in wired networks). Check all that apply.
- Radio waves are more susceptible to interference than signals carried on cable
- The “hidden node” problem
- Multi-path propagation when radio signals bounce off obstacles
- Obstacles that block radio signals
- Hosts may frequently move from one network to another
When an organization establishes a network security policy, which of the following should be considered? Check all that apply.
- The cost of damage control after various types of security breaches
- The cost of installing “secure” systems
- The values of the information that is stored or transmitted by the site
When an organization establishes a network security policy, which of the following should be considered?
- The value of the information that is stored or transmitted by the site
- The cost of damage control after various types of security breaches
- The cost of installing “secure” systems
When using an RSA algorithm to construct private and public keys for a public key encryption system, choose prime numbers p and q, and then calculate n = pq, z = (p-1)(q-1). Then choose e and d to create the public key and the private key . Suppose that p = 5, and q = 11. Which of the following values will work for d and e? Check all that apply.
- e = 7, d = 63
S represents a source host and D represents a destination host. Which of the following is the most typical use of public key encryption, when S sends an authenticated (digitally signed) message to D?
S encrypts a signature using S’s private key, and D decrypts the signature using S’s public key.
When encountering an IPv4-only router, an IPv6 datagram is dropped.
The transition from IPv4 to IPv6 requires that ____________. (Check all that apply)
- IPv4 routers still in use must “tunnel” IPv6 datagrams, by fragmenting/encapsulating them in IPv4 datagrams
::ffff:ABCD:DBCA is a valid preferred-format IPv6 address.
A multiple access scheme which uses a master node to poll each slave node, and control who has ‘permission’ to transmit at any given time is called…
“taking turns” protocol
A protocol designed to control access to a medium is most commonly called a
multiple access protocol
A link-layer link between more than two adjacent nodes is called a/an ____ link.
- No Error
2. No Error
On the sending or receiving host, most of the protocol tasks “below” the application layer of the protocol stack (data encapsulation, IP addressing, etc. ) are handled by
the network interface controller (NIC)
A MAC address is permanent and unique.
- Parity
2. Parity
In Random Access multiple access schemes, no two nodes will ever transmit at the same time.
If an Ethernet sender senses a clear channel, and begins transmission, but shortly thereafter detects a collision, it will…
Terminate transmission and enter exponential backoff.
- Hardware framing character(s)
- Hardware frame header(s)
- IP header(s)
- TCP/UDP header(s)
Ethernet uses a RTS/CTS contention-free period.
01h 78h 1Bh 79h 1Bh 7Ah 1Bh 7Ah 04h
A device which is connected to the network through a link which does not utilize any physical connection is a _____ device.
The default multiple access scheme of 802.11g is RTS/CTS.
In one type of wireless network, hosts communicate through a central “base station” access point, which is typically connected to a wired network. This communication model is called a(n)
infrastructure network
Which of the following are major issues that must be handled in wireless networks (i.e., issues that are more significant than in wired networks). Check all that apply.
- Obstacles that block radio signals
- The “hidden node” problem
- Multi-path propagation when radio signals bounce off obstacles
- Hosts may frequently move from one network to another
- Radio waves are more susceptible to interference than signals carried on cable
In indirect routing, after the initial contact with the home network, the correspondent sends packets to
The permanent address
When using an RSA algorithm to construct private and public keys for a public key encryption system, choose prime numbers p and q, and then calculate n = pq, z = (p-1)(q-1). Then choose e and d to create the public key and the private key . Suppose that p = 5, and q = 11. Which of the following values will work for d and e? Check all that apply.
- e = 7, d = 63
An organization typically implements its firewall security by using
packet filtering
S represents a source host and D represents a destination host. Which of the following is the most typical use of public key encryption, when S sends an encrypted message to D?
S encrypts a message using D’s public key, and D decrypts the message using D’s private key.
When an organization establishes a network security policy, which of the following should be considered? Check all that apply.
- The cost of damage control after various types of security breaches
- The cost of installing “secure” systems
- The value of the information that is stored or transmitted by the site