export_uworld qbank Flashcards
VIP GAL Valine Isoleucine Proline Glycine Alanine Leucine
Non-Polar Aliphathic Hydrophobic Amino Acids
Try Trippin with Pheynyoin Tyrosine Tryptophan Phenilalanine
Aromatic Hydrophobic Amino Acids
halothane (inhaled anesthetic) hepatotoxicity
- fulminant hepatitis - rapid atrophy and centrolobular hepatcyte necrosis - inflammation of the portal tracts and parenchyma - S/S: fever, anorexia, nausea, myalgias, arthralgias, rash, tender hepatomegaly, jaundice - labs: increased ALT, AST, PT. Leukocytosis and eosinophila. normal albumin (makrer of chronic liver failure) - very high mortality rate
Type 3 Hypersensitivity
Neutrophils and complement activation. * Fibrinoid Necrosis * Neutrophil Infiltration * Hypocomplementemia
Leuprolide Use in “leu” of GnRH
* Use: fertility (pulsatile release) and cancer chemotherapy (continuous) * pulsatile release stimulates sustained release of FSH and LH and results in ovulation * continuous desensitizes GnRH receptors on anterior pituitary leading to suppression of FSH and LH release “medical castration”
* This enzyme contributes to the hydrolysis of bilirubin glucuronides and increases the amount of unconjugated bilirubin in bile * infx in biliary tract –> release of by injured hepatocytes and bacteria * **seen in pigment bile stones (mostly asia/africa)
nonselective alpha antagonist Blocks vasoconstriction at alpha 1 and feedback inhibition of NE release at alpha 2 which causes increased HR and contractility (Beta 1 not blocked) prevention/control of HTN pheocromocytoma (adrenal tumor)
Zidovudine Zombie Dove
Deoxythymidine analogue Used in HAART for HIV treatment Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor Neutropenia
prevent release of mediators from mast cell. Prophylaxis against asthma. Not affective during acute attacks.
most common form of lung cancer in women and in people under 45 Form glandular configurations Peripheral portion of lung with a scar like area. Common among non smokers
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis
* 3-5x in female, 30-50y/o * Seasonal incidence, peaking in summer, most common cause of thyroid pain * Pathogen: viral infection or post inflamm response: ( Coxsackie, mumps, measles, adeno, others ) * Viral induced tissue damage, release of ‘antigen’, tim of cytotoxic T cells limited
Dobutamine Dough Buddha
* Mech: Predominant Beta1 agonist. CV effect: Increases Contractility(pure inotrope)–> increase CO, decrease SVR and increase HR moderately, * Indication: Heart failure, MI. * Pharm: t1/2 = 2 min. * Chronic continuous infusion can lead to desensitization; inhibited by beta-blockers
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
A gastrinoma (often in pancreas and associated with MEN 1, a tumor of pancreas, pituitary, and parathyroid, 3 P’s) causes gastrin hypersecretion which increases gastric HCl, which leads to severe peptic ulceration. * Uncommon, but a possible cause of PUD, GERD, and fatty diarrhea(bc not alkalinized enough to activate pancreatic enzymess
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.
*This lab value* should be determined if temporal arteritis is suspected. It will be increased.
HOT T-bone stEAk
IL1 - fever and osteoclast activating factorIL2 - T cells IL3 - like GM-CSF IL4 - class switching to IgE and IgG IL5 - IgA and eosinophils IL-6 - acute phase reactants
TCA that treats OCD
long-acting BZD
TOM Triazolam Oxazepam Alprazolam
Short acting benzodiazepines
Transcription factor * induces production of TNF-α and other inflammatory cytokines Inhibited by corticosteroids
Non-Nucleoside Inhibitor of Reverse Transcriptase Skin Rash Lactic Acidosis
Anti-HIV (protease inhibitor)
* class: ACE inhibitor * use: hypertension, CHF, MI * MOA: blocks conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II (a vasoconstrictor) and suppresses aldosterone, limiting sodium re-uptake in the kidney * ADE: hypotension, HA, cough, bradykinin accumulation, dizziness, vision changes
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
* Gross: pale, firm, rubbery, tan or white. * Micro: lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltration w/ germinal centers and fibrosis. variable amount of parenchymal atrophy: small follicles, w/ scant colloid and pink, plump, granular oxyphil epithelial cells (aka Askanazy or Hurthle cells), and desquamated epi cells in follicular lumens. Slightly increased risk of thyroid lymphoma and papillary thyroid carcinoma.
Granulosa Cells
Androgens released from theca interna cells migrate to *these cells* which contain aromatase to convert androgens to estradiol
pseudomonas aeurginosa
* opportunistic G- rod * strict aerobe * non-fermenter * oxidase + * pigment producing * Hot Tub folliculitis
Major side effect of thionamides such as propylthiouracil and methimazole
Class IB- Na blocker Use: Ventricular fibrillation; IV Short-acting, emergency act mostly on inactivated ischemic tissues
Medial femoral circumflex artery
Vessel that is vulnerable to damage from femoral head fractures
Class III antiarrhythmic Potassium channel blocker Used for Atrial Flutter
Best treatment for acute pancreatitis due to severe hypertriglyceridemia
Seborrheic keratosis
Thickened areas of pigmentation that look dark and greasy; develop in unexposed and sun exposed areas
ending used for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, antihypertensive (causes vasodilaiton)
Renal papillary necrosis
*This Conditon* can be caused by chronic analgesic abuse, diabetes mellitus, sickle cell trait or disease, severe acute pyelonephritis
Nonmalignant hypertension Diabetes
2 conditons that can cause Homogenous deposition of eosinophilic hyaline material in intima and media of small arteries and arterioles
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
* Small-vessel vasculitis * MC childhood systemic vasculitis * URI, then triad of palpable purpura, arthralgia, and GI (abd pain, melena, lesions same age) * Path: IgA complex deposition, vasculitis * Assoc: IgA nephropathy
-sudden onset w short incubation, ab pain/fever, lasts 3-8 days -fecal oral, winter peak, dehydration in kids -death(6-24 mths) -segs of dsDNA capable of reassortment- infects & kills enterocytes- loss of microvilli- replaced by immature cells cannot absorb nutrients and water -vaccine: 5 live strains
Parvovirus B19
* 5th disease * Slapped cheek disease (erythema infectosium) in children
5HT3 antagonist Antiemetic