Exploring The East Flashcards
What were some immediate and some long-term outcomes of Columbus’ voyage?
Increased tension between Spain and Portugal.
Opened way for European colonization.
What technological advances made possible the age of exploration?
The magnetic compass
Triangular sails
Sextant for measuring latitude and longitude.
What was the most important part of the Treaty of Tordesillas?
They agreed to the to honor the line of demarcation.
Spain had the west and Portugal had the east.
How did Portugal benefit from Vasco de Gama’s voyage?
Gave them a direct sea route to India and Asia.
Why did Spain set up trading posts in Asia?
Spain claimed the islands, settled, and wanted to establish their own trade empires in the east.
How did the Dutch gain control of much of the Indian Ocean trade?
Established their dominance over the region and improved the navy.
How did the European battle for the Indian Ocean trade affect the people of Asia before the nineteenth century?
Remained unaffected
What two major developments sparked significant advances in mapmaking in the 15th and 16th centuries?
Book geography
Printing press
Printing plates