Exploring data Flashcards
Learning how to explore data after you clean it.
Visualize how to get the variance of a dataframe using groupby
Visualize how to use .describe() on groups to get measurements by the percentiles parameter.
What is a Histogram? Visualize how to create.
It displays the distribution of numerical data
It divides data into bins and shows frequency of observations in each bin
Pandas: Visualize how to create a bar chart
It compares different categories and shows values as bars of various lengths.
matplotlib: Visualize how to create a pie chart
labels = “L1”, “L2”, “L3”
sizes = [10,20,25]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct=’%1.1f%%’, pctdistance=1.25, labeldistance=.6, colors=[“C1”,”C2”,C3”])
Use pctdistance and labeldistance if you want the percentages outside of the pct.
A. Visualize how you can use .agg() on all columns
B. visualize how you can use .agg() on specific columns
C. Visualize how you can use .agg() using .groupby()
D. Visualize how to rename columns with .aagg
A. df.agg([‘mean’, ‘sum’, ‘max’])
B. df.agg({ ‘col1’: ‘mean’, ‘col2’: [‘sum’, ‘min’], ‘col3’ : lambda x: x.std()})
C. df.groupby(‘col_group’).agg({‘col1’: ‘mean’, ‘col2’: ‘sum’, ‘col3’ : ‘max’})
D. df.groupby(‘group_column’).agg(mean_col1=(‘col1’, ‘mean’), sum_col2=(‘col2’, ‘sum’)
Visualize how to reset the index of a DataFrame
Visualize an example of how to use groupby to calculate mean
data = { ‘model’: [‘Car A’, ‘Car A’, ‘Car B’, ‘Car B’, ‘Car C’], ‘city_mpg’: [20, 22, 25, 27, 18]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
mean_mpg = df.groupby(‘model’)[‘city_mpg’].mean()
Output -
model city_mpg
Car A 21.0,
Car B 26.0 ,
Car C 18.0
A. Visualize how to calculate the mean on a dataframe.
B. Visualize how to calculate the mean on a column
A. df.mean(numeric_only=True)
B. df.groupby(“col”).mean(numeric_only=True)
What does standard deviation measure?
How much each point differs from the mean, or how spread out the data is.
What is variance?
Variance helps us understand how the numbers in a group differ from the average, giving a sense of how scattered or clustered the data is.
What are quantiles? And how do you use them?
Quantiles are values that split a group of data into equal parts.
You can change the percentages to be whatever you want.
What method would you use to show capital gains and capital loss?
dataframe[[“capital-gain”, “capital-loss”]].sum()
What are the different panda plotting methods?
A. df.hist(figsize=(#,#)); or df[col].hist(figsize=(8,8));
B. df.plot(kind=”box”, figsize=(#,#)) or df[col].plot(kind=”box”, figsize=(#,#))
C. df.bar() or df[col].bar()
D. df.pie() or df[col].pie()
E. pd.plotting.scatter_matrix()
F. df.scatter() or df[col].scatter()
G. df.box() or df[col].box()
How would you plot a bar chart with the value counts?
Using the df.plot(kind=’scatter’), visualize how to specify what axis each column will be plotted.
df.plot(x=’col1’, y=’col2’, kind=’scatter’);
A. Visualize how to use .hist() return a matplotlib subplot, change its transparency, and change the figure size
B. Visualize how to layer a new histogram using the same subplot that was returned.
A. ax = df_A[‘col1’].hist(alpha=0.5, figsize=(#,#,), label = ‘title1’);
B. df_B[‘col1’].hist(alpha=0.5, figsize=(#,#,), label=’title2’, ax=ax);
ax.set_xlabel(‘X-AXIS TITLE’);
ax.set_ylabel(‘Y-AXIS TiTLE’);
ax.legend(loc=’upper right’);
If you had a column containing the sales for each week for an entity, how would you find the row corresponding to the minimum sales or the worst week?
#Step 1: find the index of the minimum sales
worst_week_index = df[‘col’].idxmin()
#Step 2: Access the corresponding week
worst_week = df.loc[worst_week_index, ‘week’]
print(f”The worst week is: {worst_week}”}
A. Visualize how to customize the x-axis and the y-axis of your Pandas plots.
B. Visualize how to set the minimum and maximum values of your Pandas plot
df.plot(xlabel=’X Axis Label’)
df.plot(ylabel=’Y Axis Label’)
Visualize how to set the color for your Pandas plot
You can use color names or hexadecimal color codes.
Visualize how to set hte legend for your Pandas plot
How can you use .index with .value_counts()?
You can use .index with .value_counts to access the unique values in a column along with their counts
# Example DataFrame
data = {‘fruits’: [‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘apple’, ‘orange’, ‘banana’, ‘apple’]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Calculate value counts and index
counts_index = df[‘fruits’].value_counts().index
Index([‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘orange’], dtype=’object’)
What does the .index do?
The .index attribute gives you the unique values (the categories)
What does .values do?
The .values attribute returns a NumPy array including duplicates, in order of appearance.
This is useful for nummerical computations or array manipulations or for converting to Python lists such as df[‘col’].values.tolist()
What is the difference between a pandas series and a NumPy array?
Panda series are designed for labeled data which makes it easier to work with tabular data, and is built on top of NumPy arrays.
NumPy Arrays are designed for numerical computations and linear algebra operations. This has no labels or metadata.
What do you do when you encounter a column that contains rows with lists?
Use the .explode() method to distribute the values across multiple rows in a column
What do you need to do if you want to use .explode() and then distribute the values across multiple columns?
First flatten the list into individual rows in a column
df_explode = df.explode(column=”column_name”)
#Then split the data into multiple columns
df_new = pd.DataFrame(df_explode[“column_name”].tolist(), columns=[“col1”, “col2”, “col3”])
What does .tolist() do?
This conversts a pandas Series or a DataFrame column into a python list
Explain what pd.Dataframe({“list_values”:[str(a) for a in array.tolist()]}) does
- array.tolist() convers the NumPy array into a python list
- [str(a) for a in array.tolist()] irerates over each list a in the list and converst list a into its string representation.
- pd.DataFrame() converts the data into a column with the name list_values with each entry a corresponding string representation of the list from the original NumPy array
Explain what pd.DataFrame(dataframe.column.apply(lambda u: eval(u)).values.tolist()) accomplishes on a column that contains string representations of lists
- dataframe.column is the column that we are accessing that contains the string list.
- .apply (lambda u: eval(u)) uses the apply method to apply the lambda function u: eval(u) to the dataframe.column
- .eval() converts the string representation of the list back into a python list.
- .values retries the underlying data as a NumPy array, which will now be a 1D array of lists
- .tolist() converts the NumPy array of lists into a Python list of lists
- pd.DataFrame creates a new DataFrame from the list of lists with each inner list becoming a row in the new DataFrame
If I wanted to take.a column containing rows of string representations and convert it back into actual lists, what code would I use?
pd.DataFrame(datafame.column.apply(lambda u: eval(u)).values.tolist())
What is