Explanations of attachment - learning theory Flashcards
What is classical conditioning (learning theory)?
Attachments are learned by the stimulus of food (an unconditional stimulus) which produces a natural response of pleasure ( an unconditional response) paired with a caregiver (a conditioned response). After several paired presentations of caregiver and food, the infant begins to associate pleasure solely with the caregiver without any need for food
What is operant conditioning (learning theory)?
Based on the law of effect where any action that has a pleasurable outcome will be repeated again. Pleasurable outcomes are known as reinforcements. Attachment occurs through caregivers becoming associated with reducing the unpleasant feeling of hunger (a negative reinforcement) so the caregiver becomes a source of reinforcement (reward) themselves
What was Dollard and Millers research (1950)?
Argued that in their first year babies are fed 2000 times generally by their main caregiver which creates ample opportunity for the caregiver to become associated with the removal of the unpleasant feeling of hunger (negative reinforcement) and supports the idea that attachments are learned through operant conditioning
What was Schaffer and Emerson’s research (1964)?
They found that in 39% of cases, the mother (usually the main carer) was not the main attachment figure which suggests that feeding is not the primary explanation of attachment. This goes against learning theory
What was Fox’s research (1977)?
He studied the attachment bonds between mothers, babies and metapelets on Israeli kibbutzim. Metapelets are specially trained, full-time carers of new-born children, allowing the mother to work (children do spend some time with their parents)
Generally children were more attached to their mother than to metapelets even though it was the metapelets that did the majority of the feeding
What are two evaluative points for learning theory?
Conditioning best explains learning theory of simple behaviours, but attachments are more complex behaviours with an intense emotional component. This coupled with the fact attachments develop with people who do not feed, casts doubt on the learning theory
Schaffer (1971) commented that cupboard love theories put things the wrong way round - babies do not live to eat but eat to live thus they actively seek stimulation not passively receive nutrition.
What are two other evaluative points for learning theory?
Bowlby (1973) argued that babies only need food occasionally but constantly require the emotional security that closeness to an attachment figure provides. This suggests that food and thus the learning theory is not the main reason for the formation of attachments. Conditioning and reinforcement through feeding probably do play a part in forming attachments but as Bowlby says they aren’t the main reason
Behaviourist explanations are reductionist, as they explain complex behaviours in the simplest ways possible. When explaining attachments as simply down to feeding behaviourism does not consider internal, cognitive mental processes or the emotional nature of attachments