Explanations of attachment Flashcards
What are the two theories for attachment ?
Learning theory
Bowlbys monotropic theory
What is the main assumption of the learning theory of attachment ?
Attached through food
‘cupboard love’
What are the two types of conditioning and what do they do ?
Classical conditioning
learning through association
Operant conditioning
learning through reinforcement
Evaluate the Learning theory of attachment
- Evidence to contradict from Lorenz
- Evidence to contradict from Harlow
+ Scientific – observe and measure behaviour
+/- Reductionist - Evidence to contradict from Lamb
What is bowlbys monotropic theory
That attachment is innate and an evolutionary function
What are the 5 stages of bowlbys monotropic theory ?
Adaptive - enhances the chances of survival
Social releases - innate, universal, instinctively
Critical period - birth to 2 years
Monotropy - single primary attachment
Internal working model - template for all future relationships
Evaluate bowlbys monotropic theory
+ Lorenz – innate response (adaptive)
+ Wolff – different cries with instinctive response (social releasers)
+ Genie – critical period vital for IWM.
- Schaffer and Emerson – 29% of children formed multiple attachments (monotropy and CP)
- Lamb – attachment to father not for survival (monotropy)