Explanations For The Failure Of Dieting Flashcards
Role of denial
- TIPMC: attempts to suppress/deny a thought has opposite effect.
- Makes the thought even more prominent.
- Central to any diet; decision not to eat certain food/eat less of that food.
- state of denial as suppress thoughts about forbidden food
- ^preoccupation with FF ie chocolate
- So once food is denied it simultaneously becomes more attractive
Boundary model
- BM exp how diets fail and lead to over-eating.
- Dieting an often unrealistic CogBou set by person limit food intake
- Physio body-weight set point exists alongside cog boundary
- Dieter eat until cognitive boundary determined by diet reached, but will still be hungry, Over time distance hunger/satiation too much
- Eventually break through boundary; find it V difficult to stop eating beyond satiation = Disinhibition behaviour and occurs often in response to emotional distress.
Herman and Mack: preload
- Gave dieters and non dieters either ^ or v calorie preload.
- Found non dieters used compensatory regulatory behaviour thus ate less during the taste test.
- Dieters ate more during test if ^ calorie preload than v calorie preload.
- TF if dieters CB overcome by preload, disinhibition behaviour kicks in and the diet fails.
Laessle: Restricting anorexics/400kcal/Vegetarians
- // theory cannot explain the behaviour of restricting anorexics, as if trying not to eat results in overeating then those with anorexia would not be able to starve themselves (Ogden)
- FM Laessle found; some dieters can successfully v calorific intake by 400 kcal and eat less ^fat and carb foods than non dieters
- If claim that all dieters overeat was correct then popular vegan/vegetarian lifestyles would not be as successful, as these require CB and in cases extreme thought suppression.
restricting anorexics tho
- //Could be refuted as restricting anorexics highly unrepresentative of regular dieters as there are a lot of neurotic factors at work.
- Such Claims dont adequately undermine BM bc focus on a niche group of the population.
Psychology as a science
- BM built on foundation of controlled lab R; variables are isolated and both CaE and Replicability are established.
- Thus BM ^IV/reliability so meets Popper et al criteria for a science.
- // bc of artificial conditions in which R carried out it lacks EcoV
- Difficult to generalise to dieting in a nat env where gender, culture and self esteem become involved.
Wegner: ES ROD (white bear)
- Found out of 505 pps, those told not to think about a white bear rang bell indicating thought of the bear more often than pps instructed to think of the bear.
- AT, Wegner admits evidence for IP in Lab, far from overwhelming due to confounding variables
- Bell becoming associated with bear = classical conditioning.
Soeten et al: (Overeaters+Though suppression)
- Further ES for ROD in dieting
- Found pps who tried to eat less but often overeat use more thought suppression than other dieters and showed a rebound effect after DI beh
Alternative exp: Basal metabolic rate
- Cognitive models (ROD) narrow/limited bc ignore role of BF
- Dieting to v weight below bodies set point difficult bc body always aims to return to SP; reducing BMR (increasing hunger).
- Lower BMR v EE makes weight loss difficult even on a diet.
- BMR = valid alternative explanation for complex nature of dieting but if used in conjunction with BM and ROD theories will allow for Holism in the explanation.
Ogden: psychological model of obesity (SOD)
- Psych V’s identified as key factors in successful dieting.
- Rodin found what individuals believed about causes of obesity and motivation for weight loss played a key role.
- Ogden found WLM more likely use PR to exp their diet as opposed to a medical explanation.
- PR include consequences of obesity (low self esteem), their motivations for weight loss (boost self esteem) and what they believe causes their own obesity (individual behaviour).
- She suggested its not just what people do that is predictive of successful weight loss but also what they believe.
Ogden: ES for PMO
- Studied WLM/WLR using questionnaires.
- Found WLM more often used PMOB to exp their dieting behaviour eg -ve consequences i.e depression and low self esteem.
- Motivated v weight for PR; ^self esteem rather than peer pressure.
- FM WLM less inclined to use medical excuse SM/Low thyroid
- // questionnaires = SDB
- Many dieters delude themselves about FI and exercise levels.
- R shows obese people on v calorie diet underestimated FI by 47% and overestimated exercise levels by 51%.
- TF IV of findings for dieting R questionable meaning exp potentially invalid.
Free will v determinism
- AT Ogdens exp suggest individuals can excercise free will over dieting behaviour, having +ve implications in long term weight loss.
- R into genetics found dieting not always under individual’s control.
- Believed some obese people suffer innate Leptin resistance; insensitive to somatic signals to eat less.
- Hence overeat and dieting/long term WL is unsuccessful.
- In contrast to psychological models, this indicates dieting is biologically determined TF we cannot “treat” obesity rather we should focus on preventing it by promoting healthy lifestyle.