Explanations for obedience Flashcards
What is an agentic state?
When people do things on behalf of an external authority figure
What does behaving autonomously mean?
Not following orders
How does Milgram explain agentic state?
individuals are more likely to obey when they don’t feel responsible as we feel less responsible when carrying out the wishes of another person
What does a person become when they are in an agentic state? What does this mean might happen?
They lose their sense of individuality and they may go against their own morals
What did Milgram find about agentic state in his study?
The participants were under a moral strain but they continued because they were in an agentic state
What did Milgram find about autonomous state?
Obedience rates dropped when they were given their orders over the phone as they were in an autonomous state and felt responsibility for their actions
What is legitmacy of authority?
People obey others if they recognise their authority as morally right and legally based. They accept it as they are in charge
When is legitimacy of authority learnt?
From an early age, eg. in school
What did Milgram find about legitimacy of authority in his study?
The participants ignored the learners apparent distress and just obeyed the orders of the authoritative figure, recognising the legitimate authority of the researchers
Which three situational variables affect obedience?
How does proximity affect obedience?
The closer the learner and teacher, the lower the obedience rates. This is because the participants find it harder to shift the responsibility.
What did Milgram find about proximity affecting obedience?
When the learner and the teacher were in the same room, the obedience rates dropped from 62.5% to 40%
How does location affect obedience?
There are higher obedience rates in locations which have perceived authority.
What did Milgram find about location affecting obedience?
When he did his experiment in a run down office block, the obedience rates were lower than when the experiment was carried out in Yale university
How does uniform affect obedience?
Uniforms give added legitimacy to authority figures, increasing obedience rates
What did Bickman (1974) find about uniform affecting obedience?
When asked to pick up litter, loan a coin to a stranger or move away from a bus stop, 19% obeyed the researcher when they were dressed in civilian clothes compared to 38% when the researcher was dressed as a security guard
What is the dispositional explanation for obedience?
Authoritarian personality
The perception of behaviour as caused by internal characteristics of individuals
What is the authoritarian personality?
A person who holds rigid beliefs, is intolerant of ambiguity, submissive to authority and hostile to those of a lower status
Measured using the F-scale
What did Zillmer et al (1995) do?
Looked at 16 Nazi war criminals who scored highly on certain portions of the F-scale questionnaire but not on all 9 sections
What did Elms and Milgram find?
The participants in Milgram’s study who were highly obedient were significantly more authoritarian on the F-scale than disobedient participants, supporting the idea of a link between authoritarian personality type and obedience
What is some evaluation of the dispositional explanation?
The F-scale has some research support but authoritarian individuals do not always score highly on all the dimensions as the theory would predict.
F-scale has response bias as it is worded in a confirming direction
Theory is politically biased as individuals with an authoritarian personality are seen as only existing on the conservative, right wing of political viewpoints
What is obedience?
Following orders from another person, usually someone of authority.