Explanations For Forgetting-interference* Flashcards
Interference theory
• one memory blocks/interferes with another causing them both to be distorted or forgotten
• Forgetting LTM is because we cannot access despite being available
• Interference =harder for us to find = forgetting
- old memory interferes with new Eg. Teacher learns so many names so new ones get confused
new memory interferes with an older memory.Eg. Teacher learnt so many new names now can’t remember old.
Effects on similarity
• McGeoch and McDonald - interference is worse when memories are similar
• Studied retroactive interference
Learn 10 words until 100% accurate, split into six groups, given a new list
Asked to recall initial list
Interference is stronger when material is most similar
Synonyms antonyms …
Evidence from lab studies
• McGeoch and McDonald- both types of inference are ways we forget in LTM
• Strength- lab experiments can control for irrelevant influences-valid
Artificial materials
• artificial words used-different to every day life
• Interference more likely to happen in the lab than real life
• May not be good explanation for forgetting in every day life
Real life studies- rugby players
• Baddeley and hitch interference was a better explanation for forgetting than the passage of time?
• Asked rugby players to remember games each week, some missed games, some three weeks or more ago
Those who played the most had the poorest recall which shows interference and operates in some everyday situations
Time between learning
• time period has to be short, generally people don’t learn things in a short period.
• Lab studies overestimate the importance of interference
• Tulving and Psotka gave participants 5 lists of 24 words organised into 6 categories
• Recall 70% the first list. Fell after additional lists
• Given a queue at the end and recall rose to 70%
• Interference may not be a valid explanation as they should perform poorly on cued but didn’t