What is the neurochemical (biological) explanation of depression?
When there is an abnormality (disruption) in the balance of our neurotransmitter system
–> excess/lack of certain neurotransmitters: serotonin, receptors
What is Oruc et al’s study regarding to the neurochemical explanation of the disorder?
- Family history study + DNA testing
- Result: BP is sexually dimorphic = women are more prone to developing the disorder
Strengths of the neurochemical explanation
- Usage of medical equipment (DNA test): obtain highly objective data –> increase internal validity
- Practicality: individuals with family history of BP can take precautionary measures - nature
Limitations of the neurochemical explanation
- Reductionist: considers neurochemical aspects only (neurotransmitters) that links back to depression
- Deterministic: fixed cause that depression is due to genetic influence (sexually dimorphic) - women are more likely to develop the disorder = discouraged to seek treatment
What is the cognitive explanation of depression? (cognitive triad)
Due to inaccurate mental representation of the world, self and others –> negative schema on life from cognitive biases
Cognitive biases: minimization/maximization, all or none thinking, personalisation
Strengths of the cognitive explanation
- Free will: individuals are in control to change their negative schemas –> gives sense of hope to the client
- Clear cause and effect relationship: negative schema = depression –> easily adressed
Limitations of the cognitive explanation
- Reductionist: only considers current thinking patterns, does not consider past experiences, family history, etc –> may not fully address the whole symptoms
- Individualistic: disorder due to individuals own thinking patterns –> increases self blame + distress = counterproductive to healing and discourages treatment
What is the cognitive behavioural explanation of depression?
Learned helplessness and attributional styles
–> depression from acquiring learned helplessness due to repeated negative experiences in their environment that results in the individual feeling as though they have no control over their experiences = choose to do nothing despite having opportunity to change
+ enforced with their own pessimistic attributional styles: self (blame themselves), stable (cannot be changed), global (affect all aspects)
Strengths of the cognitive behavioural explanation
- Holistic: Considers experiences and also abnormal thinking patters (learned helplessness + pessimistic attributional style)
- Nurture: experiences from the environment and also abnormal thinking processes that can be unlearnt and changed
Limitations of the cognitive behavioural explanation
- Difficult to determine cause and effect relationship: not sure whether it is due to living environments/
- Deterministic: