explanation for attachment- Bowlby's theory Flashcards
Bowlbys theory:
attachments are ADAPTIVE and are for SURVIVAL. Infants have an INNATE drive for them, which take place during the CRITICAL PERIOD (6 months-2.5 years). To help them form an attachment they are born with SOCIAL RELEASERS (certain features & characteristics)
MONOTROPY is when infants form one special emotional bond with their primary attachment figure. This relationship provides the infant with a mental representation of relationships, an INTERNAL WORKING MODEL.
Bowlby’s CONTINUITY HYPOTHESIS states that an infants internal working model will influence their later adult relationships.
AO3: strength- Lorenz’s study provides support for innate
limitation- cant generalise
P: lorenz’s imprinting study provides support for the idea that attachment is innate.
E/E: The goslings attached to the first moving object they saw when they were born. Showing that attachment is something your born with
L: shows other studies support Bowlbys explanation for attachment
HOWEVER, Lorenz’s research is done on animals so can’t be generalised to target population
Strength- love quiz research
however- social desirability bias
P: the love quiz provides support
E: a self report questionare to assess the internal working model. Found positive correlation between early attachment types and later adult relationships.
L: this supports Bowlby’s idea of an internal working model and continuity hypothesis
HOWEVER, because it is a questionare there is social desirability bias and wrong answers may have been given. This means the data may be invalid
AO3: limitation- Schaffer & Emerson go against the one attachment idea
P: go against the idea that infants only make one special attachment.
E/E: they suggest that by the age of one, most babies have made multiple attachments.
L: this goes against Bowlby’s monotropy theory
AO3: limitation- doesn’t consider LT
P: doesn’t consider LT
E/E: e.g. drive reduction theory, suggests food is the primary reinforcer and the mother (secondary reinforcer) is associated with food.
L: bowlbys theory is limited