Explain one study related to localization of function in the brain Flashcards
Why is this study important? (1)
Provides evidence that there are different memory systems in the brain
Who and when was the first to report the case of H.M? What did he report? (2)
- Milner (1957)
- the profound effects on memory functioning, following an operation which removed the hippocampus and adjacent areas in H.M.’s brian
Which areas of H.M.’s brain were removed? (1)
the hippocampus and adjacent areas
What did Corkin et al. do? When did they do it? Why did they do it?
What did they discover? (2)
- MRI scan of H.M.’s brian
- 1997
- to get a precise picture of H.M.’s brain damage
- parts of the temporal lobe including the hippocampus and amygdala, were missing
- but the damage was not as extensive as previously believed
Outline the H.M.’s story (9)
- suffered epileptic seizures after falling off his bike age 7
- eventually they incapacitated him, couldn’t live a normal life
- when 27, William Scovillle performed experimental surgery to stop seizures
- tissue from medial temporal lobe, inc hippocampus = removed on both sides of brain
- H.M. suffered from amnesia thereafter
- able to learn a few procedural memories
- personality unchanged
- shows hippocampus is important in memory processing + storage of new memories
What can be learned about localisation of function in the brain in relation to memory from the case study of H.M.? (4)
- hippocampus plays critical role in conerting memories from STM (contemporary store) –> LTM (permanent store)
- H.M. had all memories before operation = hippocampus not permanent store
- H.M. could learn new procedural memories = not stored via hippocampus
- H.M. and other people with amnesia had deficits in 1 memory system but not in others = evidence that brain has several memory systems AND that these are supported by distinct brain regions
Evaluation of the case study of H.M. (5+3)
- operation successful in that it stopped seizures, but caused brain damage
- H.M. participated in many tests for 50+ years
- this longitudinal case study has contributed enormously to the knowledge of how memory processes are related to specific brain areas eg:
- medial temporal lobes = important for forming, organisation, consolidation and retrieval of memories
- cortical areas = important for LTM, for facs and events (semantic and episodic memories), and the use of that info in daily life
- procedural memories are not processed by the hippocampus
- ethical considerations: he could not remember all of the times he participated in research = unethical however the findings justified it
- not possible to generalise about larger pop but other case studies of people with brain damage support the findings = can gen. to some extent
Explain one study related to localization of function in the brain (23)
The case study (3+9)
What can be learned about localisation of function in the brain in relation to memory from the case study of H.M. (4)
Evaluation of the case study of H.M. (5+3)