Experiments and Observational Studies Flashcards
A study based on data in which no manipulation of factors has been employed.
Observational Study
An observational study in which subjects are selected and then their previous conditions or behaviors are determined.
Retrospective Study
An observational study in which subjects are followed to observe the future outcomes. Not an experiment because no treatments are deliberately applied.
Prospective Study
To be valid, an experiment must do this when assigning experimental units to treatment groups.
Random Assignment
A variable whose levels are manipulated by the experimenter.
A variable whose values are compared across different treatments.
Response Variable
This manipulates factor levels to create treatments, randomly assigns subjects to these treatment levels, and then compares the response of the subject groups across treatment levels.
The individuals who participate in an experiment, especially when they are human.
Subjects or participants
Individuals on whom an experiment is performed.
Experimental Unit
The specific values that the experimenter chooses for a factor.
The process, intervention, or other controlled circumstance applied to randomly assigned experimental units.
4 Principles of Experimental Design
Do this to aspects of the experiment that we know may have an effect on the response, but that are not the factors being studied.
Do this to subjects of treatments to even out effects that we cannot control
Do this over as many subjects as possible.