Experimental Factors & IACUC Protocol Preparation Flashcards
What does the “Guide for the Use and Care of Laboratory Animals” and the Animal Welfare Act provide?
Provisions for levels of acceptable environmental factors (temp, humidity, air quality, etc.) and housing, husbandry, and care.
What are PREPARE guidelines?
Planning Research and Experimental Procedures on Animals: Recommendations for Excellence
What are ARRIVE guidelines?
Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments
Environment consists of:
Macroenvironment (the area the cages are in) and microenvironment (the room or cage the animals are in).
What are the three types of cages?
- Conventional - open with the same micro and macro environment
- Static micro-isolator - Filter to control cross contamination
- Individually ventilated cages (IVC) - Forced air exchange to control all aspects of the air
What temp should most animals fall between?
60-90 degrees Fahrenheit with the larger animals being colder and smaller being warmer.
An acceptable humidity range is?
30-70% RH (Increased chance of ringtail below 40%)
What leads to cold stress in mice?
4 degrees Celsius for 7 days
What are the important pheromones for breeding management?
- Alarm pheromone- Cage cleaning
- Bruce effect- Addition of foreign male
- Diodecyl propriate- Cage cleaning
- Hoover-Drickamer effect- Urine from a foreign or lactating female
*5. Lee-Boot effect- Females are housed together away from males - Vandenbergh effect- Accidental exposure of prepubescent females to males
*7. Whitten effect- Females exposed to male urine- Females exposed to male animal urine
What should light be for rodents?
12:12 or 14:10 for mice at 130-325 lux 1 meter above the floor.
What are the two handling methods for rodents?
Cup handling (full body scruff) and tunnel handling (open palm)
How should the number of animals be justified per protocol?
Lay summary using statistical significance to justify such as ANOVA, SD, etc. (based on experimental needs not the needs of the experimenter)
What are the 3 R’s for a protocol?
Refinement, Reduction, and Replacement
What are the 4 pain categories in a protocol?
Category B- Animal that is not participating in research
Category C- Animal that performs experiments that may cause distress
Category D- Animal that goes through pain such as surgery, with analgesics
Category E- Animal that goes through pain with no analgesics
Who’s approval do you need before performing something that is not in the protocol?
Who reviews amendments?
Personnel changes are review administratively, everything else is determined to be either reviewed administratively (option 1) or reviewed by IACUC, previous reviewers, full committee (option 2)
Look at protocol review…