Experiment 8. Inclass INVESTIGATION Flashcards
What Component of the salt produce the coloured flame observed?
The Metal in the Salt is what produced the colour in the flame.
Metal atoms usually exist as ions (Cation)
The metal cation in the salt is the reason for the occurrence of the observed colour. The reason as to why cations produce colour is that the wavelength of the emitted photon happens to be in the visible spectrum. The light which is emitted when any atom is placed directly into the flame is due to photon emission. This emission is the result of electron shift process; when excited by energy electron jumps to higher energy level and when rest back to the ground state. Cations emits photon in visible wavelength spectrum, anions also produce coloured flame, it’s just we can’t see them.
Elements which have energy of valence shell that lies in the visible light spectrum are either alkali metals or alkaline earth metals (some transition metals as copper). And they are cations in solution.
What assumption can be made about the ethanol in the flame test?
Ethanol acts a fuel in this experiment.
When the ethanol is ignited the salts will heat up, thus turning the fames a different colour.
A fuel is any material that can be made to react with other substances so that it releases energy
The application of ethanol in the experiment is so that it can act as a fuel. Fuels are substances that burn to give off a relatively large amount of heat. It is the ethanol in the experiment being set aflame and not the salts itself. The salts in the experiment which give off the colours, are enabled to do this due to them being heated by the flame caused by the combustion of ethanol.
Why must a clean watch glass be used for each test.
If the watch glass has not been cleaned before testing the next salt, then there will be contamination between the salts. A sample containing a number of different metals are not suitable for analysis by a flame test as the excitation and emission of light via the flame test will result in a mixture of different colours that will be hard to identify individually.
Explain how the coloured light observed is produced.
The different colours are caused by the different electron transitions occurring in the different atoms. The production of the actual colour within the experiment is caused by ‘metal’ in the salt.
- The ‘excitement’ of an atom or an ion is caused by very strong heating, where the electrons within the atom’s valence shells are promoted from their normal unexcited state into higher orbitals.
- Electrons in an atom can only be found at certain discrete energies, this can be seen by the atom’s electrons being organised into into electron orbitals or shells which only allows the occupation of an electron which fulfils the particular energy level’s characteristics.
- The energy levels of the electrons are described as being ‘Quantised’.
- The lowest energy level state of an atom is called ‘Ground State’, which where the electrons are found normally within an atom, ‘un-excited’.
- During the flame test experiment, the chemical reaction produces energy which the electrons absorb, and becomes ‘excited’, causing them to ‘jump’ to a higher energy level which matches the energy that the electron currently has. The higher energy level state can be defined as the ‘excited state’.
- Electrons do not stay in excited states for very long (this only occurs for nanoseconds),they soon return to their ground states by ‘jumping’ back to their original (ground) energy state or level, emitting a photon with the same energy as the one that was absorbed. When they emit the energy, they emit the discreet “packets” (or particles) of the absorbed energy called photons as ‘electromagnetic radiation’.
- The spacing between energy levels in an atom determines the sizes of the transitions that occur, and thus the energy and wavelengths of the collection of photons emitted and thus the wavelengths emitted by the electrons is what we see as the light in the flame test.
Light can be all different colors, depending on a property of light waves, called wavelength. Wavelength is the distance between peaks on the light waves.
Give practical use for this type of test
This method can be seen in festivals and celebrations through fireworks. The characteristic colours of the fireworks are due to particular metal elements. In this case, the energy to excite the electrons within the atoms comes from the exothermic chemical reaction between oxygen in the air and gunpowder.
- Geologists use the flame test to identify the presence of metals.
- Forensic scientists can use flame tests at crime scenes for quick analysis of elements present.
- Miners use the test for analysis of samples, particularly when prospecting.
Often different colours are used to describe the same flame colour, Eg lilac,mauve, or purple for potassium. Why might this be a problem?
People see colour ‘differently’ meaning they either don’t understand the colour names, or they might associate or perceive these colours differently.
Since this way of measure is ‘qualitatively and not ‘quantitative’ there is not a definitive answer, making a confusion and disagreements on the outcome of the experiment.
This is a problem because not everyone perceives and identifies colour the same way. For some the naming of colours may be every detailed and specific, whereas others identify colours in a very broad or general way. This qualitative way of measurement brings in many different answers and results to the experiment due to the difference of human understanding and perception of colour. This can cause bias leading to disagreements, conflicts and confusion between scientists conducting this experiment as the results and the way of getting to the result is very open-ended and has room for many interpretations. Thus the results of the experiment will not be as precise as possible.
Often different colours are used to describe the same flame colour, Eg lilac,mauve, or purple for potassium. Is this a random or systematic error? Justify your choice.
This problem is an example of systematic error. A systematic error is caused generally by non-calibrated instruments or flawed method. In this case the results of the experiment is not accurate and disagreed upon about the colour of the flame due to the ‘faulted’ method of measurement which was by using the more objective way of measurement; Quantitative measurement.
-However systematic error can be solved by making alterations in the experiment, which in this case means by creating a new method of measurement such as colour chart, where the conductors of the experiment are able to identify colours observed specifically according to the chart.
always affects measurements the same amount or by the same proportion
Safety issues and processes that need to be mentioned
- The use of a flammable liquid; The ethanol used in this experiment is flammable, so being present in a naked flame may result in a fire. To avoid this issue to it essential that amounts used are as indicated, and the stock solution kept away from any naked flame.
- The naked flame conducted in this experiment is also a hazard in itself, as if not managed then it will cause damage to equipment in the room and the clothing/skin on individual. To avoid this issue it is important that the experiment is conducted on a heat proof mat, away from any other equipment, and always managed by one person.
- The salts used in the experiment is also a safety issue factor as some may be corrosive on skin, poisonous if inhaled etc. To avoid any issues with the usage of salts it is important to wear safety glasses, the salt is collected with and transported into the correct equipment, and that particular equipment only. If there is a need to smell the salt (which there isn’t in this case) then only waft the smell to the nose. It is also super important that if the salt comes in contact with skin to immediately wash it of with sanitation liquid and water.
- Exposure of hair to the direct flame. It is a health hazard if loose hair come in contact with the naked flame as it can result in hair being enflamed. It is important that those whom are working with the flame has made sure all loose hair pieces are tied back, to prevent from the safety issue to occur.
Improvements for this flame test
- Inclusion of a colour chart. Since colour determination is a quantitative way of measurement the results attained will be very biased and objective. By using a colour chart within the experiment to use as reference to help with identification of the specific colour. This will not only take away any confusions and disagreements with results, but also help come up with more accurate results.
- Specific measurements of ethanol. Instead of the method directing the conductors of the experiment to use between ‘1-2mL’ of ethanol, it should be more specific with the amount and the particular measuring device. If this was to be applied then any slight alterations of the result due to the amount of ethanol used in the experiment can be removed and thus a better result can be attained.
- Specifications of measurement of salt. Instead of the method directing the experiment conductors with the instructions ‘place a small amount of (pea sized) of salt’ , it should be more specific as to how much salt should be used. ‘Pea sizes’ are different and people’s perception are different, so if a particular amount was specified or a particular measurement device was told to be used, then any small alterations between results can either be minimised or even removed.
What is the difference between systematic error and random error?
A systematic error is an error that occurs in an experiment because of the way the experiment was designed e.g type of Apparatus or experimental method, human judgement
- systematic error can be reduced by trialing the experiment multiple times or even resolved by altering the method.
Random error is an error that comes from measurement with statical fluctuations, due to the precision limitations of the measurement device. Eg. timing of things, atmospheric conditions ect
- random error can be minimised by having conducted the experiment multiple times and averaging the numbers. If an outlier occurs and there is no justification for it be included, then just discard the result.
What is the difference between Quantitive measurement and Qualitative measurement?
Quantative Data is numerical data, from measurement.
Eg Mass,Volume,pH,Temp,Time
Qualitative Data are observations results (not measured) in the form of words,symbols ect Colour,Brightness
Laboratory safety Issues
- behaviour (a conscious or high alert behaviour, no running)
- clothing (enclosed shoes,eye protection)
- Due care( clean up spills, handle with care )
- emergency (know escape routes)
- food and poisons (no consumption of food, wash skin,dispose in specialised way.)
Safe lab practices
- Acids and Alkalies (wash under water for 20min, affected clothing removed, to dilute acids, acid in water not the other way)
- burns (hot BB and glassware handling, yellow flame BB when not in use for a period of time,BB off when not in use)
- Chemical spills ( don’t carry bottle via neck,wash)
- fire (never panic, escape route, fire blankets and extinguisher, no naked flame in flammable location, turn off gas &electric appliances, shut door,raise alarms)
What is an isotope?
Isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.
The isotopes of an element always have identical chemical properties but differ slightly in their relative atomic mass, density and in nuclear stability (causing some to be radioactive)
What is relative atomic mass?
Relative atomic mass is the average weight of the relative isotopic masses of an element on the scale where carbon-12 is taken as 12 units exactly.
Carbon 12 is the basic measurement that everything is compared to ( as it is a standard).
What is mass spectrometry?
Mass spectrometry can be used to measure the mass of atoms or molecules.
It can determine
- relative molecular mass and molecular structure of complex organic compounds
- relative isotopic mass of the isotopes of an element.
It uses the function of a mass spectrometer to calculate the measurements.
It is quantitative
What is a spectrometer?
A spectrometer is an instrument used to determine the radiative isotopic masses of element and their isotopic abundances.
- it separates the individual isotopes in a sample of the element
- determines the mass of each isotope, relative to the carbon-12 standard
- calculates the relative abundance’s of the isotopes in the sample.
List and explain the method of mass spectrometry (IADD)
- IONISATION: the vaporised sample is bombarded with high energy electrons or ultraviolet light, leaving atom ionised with overall positive charge (knocks out electrons)
- ACCELERATION: The positive ions are accelerated by an electric felid so they all move at high speeds.
- DEFLECTION: The ions are then directed through a strong magnetic felid where they undergo deflection according to their masses. (Light ions = more deflection, heavy ions less deflection.)
- DETECTION: the amount of ions that strike detector and land in each position along the detector shows the abundance of ions with a specific mass. Therefore showing abundance of specific isotopes. Find the info and puts it into a mass-to-charge ratio (m/z)
- ) This information is then made into a graph called a MASS SPECTRUM . The graph presents the ions and their relative abundance. (Relative abundance = y axis, atomic mass = x axis)
What is the relative atomic mass formula?
Atomic mass = ( abundance % x atomic number) + (abundance % x atomic number)
What is a spectroscope?
Is the instrument that takes light emitted from an element and separates it into its component wavelength.
What is the method to perform an emission spectroscopy?
ES = 4
- Heated element sample produces a light.
- The light then is directed to pass through a lens, which focuses it to a certain point.
- The light then goes through a prism, which splits it into separate wavelengths.
- The photographic plate at the back then displays the wavelengths in the form of a line emission spectrum.
What does Emission spectroscopy do?
Analysing light is called Spectroscopy
An emission spectroscopy has the ability to identify an element within a sample, through the wavelengths observed when emission occurs.
From the known spectra we are able to work out which element is the unknown.
What is does quantised mean?
Electrons in atoms can only be seen in certain discrete energies.
Theses energies are associated with the shells in which the electrons can be found.
The energy levels of the electrons are described as being QUANTISED.
What is ground state and excited state?
GROUND STATE is the electrons existing in their lowest possible energy state in the atom.
When absorbency of energy occurs the electrons are energised and moves to a higher energy level. This higher energy level is known as the EXCITED STATE
Light and Electromagnetic Spectrum
- ‘LIGHT’ is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum and can be divided into ‘Rainbow colours’
- Each portion of the Electromagnetic Spectrum has specific frequencies, wavelengths and energy.
- The range of different forms of electromagnetic radiation is referred to as the electromagnetic spectrum.
- Eg Violet: high energy, high frequency and short wave length
Red: low energy, low frequency and long wave length
What is Absorbance?
ABSORPTION is a measure of capacity of a substance to absorb light of a specified wavelength.
ABSORPTION LINE is the individual colours of light in a continuous spectrum that are absorbed by hydrogen atoms.
ABSORPTION SPECTRUM is the collected of absorption lines on a spectra.
Explain absorption spectra
- electrons closer to the nucleus have the lowest energies and experiences the strongest attraction to the nucleus.
- an electron jumps to a higher energy level if it absorbs energy that corresponds exactly to the difference in energy between the lower energy level and the higher energy level.
- the different quantities of energy required to prompt these ground state electrons are supplied by electromagnetic radiation of varying wavelengths and frequencies, which are observed as the different colours of light.
- qualitative
Explain the Emission Spectra
Shortly afterwards the electron jumping to a higher energy level, it returns back to its ground lower energy state.
- as they electron falls it emits the absorbed energy out in the form of light energy, that corresponds to exactly the difference in energy levels between the higher and lower energy shells.
- quantitative
What is Emission Spectrum
The EMISSION SPECTRUM is the collected emission lines represented of similarly to the absorbance spectrum.
The EMISSION LINES are the individual colours of light that are emitted by the particular atom.
What is Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
It is a method used to perform Qualitative and Quantitative analysis.
- it finds out what element is in a sample and how much of it is present
- can analyse more than 70 elements
- can be used with mixtures
- can detect small amount up to micrograms per litre
What is the process of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy? (6)
- A CATHODE LAMP made up single element being tested is made.
Eg. Testing for Zinc, means a Zinc cathode lamp is made. - The sample solution is sprayed onto flame and is vaporised, atomising the substances in the sample.
- When light of a specific wavelength (from the cathode lamp) passes through the vaporised sample, only the element being tested will ABSORB SPECIFIC WAVELENGTHS from the lamp. This is because energy levels of all other atoms’ electron shells are different.
- LIGHT PASSES THROUGH FROM SAMPLE and what remains of it after absorption passes through a slit.
- Light then enters a MONOCHROMATOR, which detects only one wavelength for analysis by the detector
- The number produced when the DETECTOR measures intensity of light is called an absorbance value - measure of amount of light that passes through sample without being absorbed
7.) To measure amount of element present, absorbance value of SAMPLE IS COMPARED to that of the known samples. Then it is done by CONSTRUCTING A CALIBRATION CURVE.
It first needs to compare known concentrations of elements with their intensities, and then calibration curve of concentration against absorbance value is made.
How is all three methods used in real life?
Mass Spectrometry =
- drug testing in certain materials
- Environmental scientists use mass spectrometry to detect toxins in contaminated fish.
- They can also use the technique to measure the amount and nature of airborne particles in the atmosphere, data that can be used to monitor climate change.
Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
- chemists use it to identify particular elements in a drug or medication
- geologist use to identify particular elements in rock formations
- miners use it
- pharmaceuticals usage; identify amount and what type of element is a drug
- miners to see how much % of element is in an area
- food industry, contamination of poisons ect
Method of the flame test
- Place a small amount of the salt in a clean watch glass
- Add 1-2mL of ethanol to the sample and stir with a tooth pick
- Place the watch glass on a heat proof mat
- Carefully light the ethanol
- When the flame burns low observe the colour produced
- Repeat for each salt using a clean watch glass each time
Colours and their meanings
-Copper(II) sulfate - Green
- Strontium nitrate - Red (low frequency, energy but large wavelength)
Potassium nitrate - Purple (high frequency, energy but small wavelength)
This means strontium absorbed a much less energy and emitted less than potassium. Strontium’s electrons did not move to higher energy levels when compared to potassium.
Disadvantages of flame test
- is a qualitative test only
- small range of metals are detectable by the flame
- metals in low concentrations may be difficult to observe
- mixtures of metals produce confusing results
- metals of low concentration will be difficult to observe.
Why do all atoms of the same element emit the same wavelength? While different element’s atoms are different in wavelength.
The energy is emitted in light. Energy is related to the wavelength of the light that is produced, so this light has a specific wavelength.
Each element has a unique set of energy levels,so when the electrons move between them, it will involve absorption and emission of different amount of energy.
This means that every element will emit light of a different set of wavelengths from every other element.
Because each atom of the same element has the same set of energy levels, thus the wavelength produced will be consistently the same.
How to Workout % abundance?
Abundance % = peak height (w ruler) X 100
Total peak height (ruler)
Total peak height is the sum of all the peak measurements