EXPERIMENT 5 Flashcards
this produces spores
resistant to heat to any environmental condition
SPORE FORMERS (spore-forming)
This is very difficult to kill with simple physical agent
SPORE FORMERS (spore-forming)
What are the materials used for Growth inhibition and destruction of bacteria by physical agents
Suspensions of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli
Filter paper discs impregnated with Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli
Nutrient broths
This cannot resist harsh environmental conditions
How many nutrient broths were prepared for the experiment on Growth Inhibition and Destruction of Bacteria
by Physical Agents
5 nutrient broths on different test tubes
How were the 5 test tubes with nutrient broths labeled
a. Autoclave
b. Hot air
c. Cold
d. boiling
e. Control
What is the purpose of nutrient broths?
They are general purpose broths and used for routine culture. Non-selective (promotes growth of any microorganisms)
Is nutrient broth selective or non-selective
When acquiring specimen from liquid suspension what material should be used?
Wire loop
What is the mechanism of action in sterilization with moist heat?
Protein coagulation
Name the three types of sterilization with moist heat?
- Boiling
- Steam under pressure or autoclave
- Fractional / intermittent sterilization
- Pasteurization or tyndallization
What temperature should be used for sterilizing through boiling
100 degrees Celsius
How long should the sterilization through boiling be done?
30 minutes
What are the advantages of using boiling as a sterilization with moist heat method
It is the most inexpensive and the most practical