Experience Flashcards
One of the strongest arguments
An inductive argument
It is an encounter with the divine, an experience of God as a personal reality.
It is an experience beyond ordinary empirical explanation.
Oxford Religious Experience research
30 - 45% of Brits have been aware of a presence of power beyond themselves
C.F Davies
1989 'Evidental force pf Religious Experience.' 1. awareness 2. quasi sensory 3. numinous 4. regenerative 5. interpretive 6. mystical 7. revelatory
Richard Swinburne
People in general tell the truth, so we cannot always doubt accounts of RE.
Suggesting 2 principles
Testimony: Unless we have evidence contrary we should believe what people say e.g. drugs, lying or mentally ill
Credulity: Giving credit to what people say
1768 - 1834
Claims that everyone is aware of the divine
Only theists will try to develop
RE’s are self authenticating and so need no proving
Aware of an ultimate
So need no proof
William James
1842 - 1910
‘The varieties of RE’
RE’s are deeply personal, emotional reaction directions at God.
For those who have had an experience they are good proof
Passivity = a superior authority Ineffability = no experience theyve had before noetic = provides some sort of relation or truth transiency = brief but important
Brain Davies
Philosophy of religion
Argued that even though not everyone might have had an RE doesnt give them the grounds to dismiss
Only a few may realise that they have
1889 - 1951
‘Seeing as’
People will mistake what they have seen or experienced e.g. people would experience a random series of dots different = ugly or beauty?
1945 - present
‘The puzzle of God’
the principles of T and C may apply to everyday situations. But when it comes to an experience of God (so extraordinary) certain sceptism is required for proof.
1939 - 2009
Always the possibility of alternative explanations
Difficulty of judging these subjective claims means not self authenticating
R.M Hare
1919 - 2002
Religious experiences are inconclusive, a persons interpretation of experience is clearly mistaken but they hold on to this idea. This is a blik.
An unverifiable and unfalsiable way of looking at the world
1724 - 1804
It is not possible to experience things beyond the phenomenonal realm.
We can’t know what we don’t know
Richard Dawkins
There is no such thing, it is all an illusion of the mind and a way of showing psychological needs.
Biased and irrational
So convinced of the truths of their statements
Refuse to believe other evidence.
vardy quote
the probability of all such experiences must be low, and therefore the quality of the claimed experiences must be proportionately high
if one is a sceptic one will need a great deal of convincing
Davies quote
just as i can reasonably say that there is a bed in my room because i have encountered it, so i can reasonably say that there is a God because i have directly encountered him.
James quote
thge characterises of the religious life
Swinburne quot
in the absence of special considerations the experiences of others are probably as they report them
Dawkins quote
but dont expect the rest of us to take your word for it espcially if we have the slightest familiarity with the brain and its powerful workings
Kant quote
we cant know what we dont know