Expenses with Special Treatment (Tax vs Acc) Flashcards
What are expenses / deductions where special treatments (Other than IFRS & DNAs) provided
- Dep/Amm - Rates and method
- PCE - allowed with incl/excl
- Scientific/Rsearch exp - activity & spending (both) in Pak.
- Employee Training Facilities (Education & Hospital) - only Opex; for approved-both Pakistanis & Foreginers; for non-approved - Pakistanis only
- Lease - all leases operating leases; PTV-NPfH 2.5M Prinicpal max
- Interest exp (PoD) - charging from date of utilization; used For CAPEX, not allowed rather dep.;to cover islamic terminologies also
- Bad Debts- only for P&L amounts (i.e previously income, not for advances/loans, etc); on subsequesnt recovery Amount not allowed +- with actual recovery
Pre-commencement Expenses
How is treatment different than Accounting
- Allowed as deduction - St Line 20%
- Only when profits available
- for business only, not for entity (like SEC registration)
- 1+3-3 conditions
- 1- General - incurred before commencement
- 2 - 3 inclusions by name - feasibility/prototype/trial Prod
- 3 - 3 exclusions - Dep. assets/land acquisition exp/amortization
Scientific Research
- Spending in Country or Activity?
- Own spending or Contribution?
Only Opex
Both in Pakistan
Both allowed
Employee Training
What kind of facilities
Pakistanis or Foreigners
Only Opex
Education & Hospital for employees
Training Scheme exp - aapproved, for Pakistanis (whether employees/non employees)
(Ind.) Training Institution - recognised or aided or run by Govt (any person local/foreigner)
When will start for new loans
What about CAPEX Loan
Islamic Loans
Expense allowed when loan utilized for business, not when credited
Interest for CWIP loan not allowed, only dep. when capitalized
Islamic profits allowed
Securitization of receivables (with SPV) allowed as Finance cost
Tax vs Accounting
3 important points in section
How much WHT on lease payments
What happens when asset is transferred to Lessee
on maturity/on cancellatio of lease
All leases - Operating leases, deduction of LP no dep for lessee
3 important points
- Lease from bank, FI, FBR approved modaraba or leasing
- SPV charges allowed
- SPV-NPfH - Prinicipal deduction Cap 2.5M
No WHT on lease/SPV payments
Residual value on maturity=Cost of asset for lessee (Disregard FMV), dep on that value, no IA
Residual value on cancellation=FMV of asset
What heads of income are taxed on cash basis
Conditions for Bad debts
What happens with subsequest recovery
Salary & IFOS - cash
2 conditions
- Previous part of income & taxed (advance/loan/BS items can not be)
- Decision (by managemnet) not recoverable
Recovery > not allowed amount - difference add to income
Recovery < not allowed amount - difference add to expense
IA-EDAs (other than F&F, used assets)
Dep-reducing balance
Ammortization - any expense with useful life more than 1 year, in case life not ascertainable 25 years