Expansion in Europe under the communists Flashcards
Why did Stalin want to expand into Europe?
‘to act as a buffer zone between the west’ and ‘protect russian interests’
Who was the communist leader in charge of Yugoslavia?
What was tito’s policy?
-Yugoslavian autonomy
-resisted stalin interference and over centralisation.
-kept free of soviet control until 1980.
In what year was Tito installed in Yugoslavia?
In what year were free elections held in Czechoslovakia?
What were the result of free elections in Cz?
-a coalition of left wing parties including communists.
What happened in 1948 in Cz?
-Communists seized power- most other non- coms resgined.
-all new elections rigged.
What did elections look like in a post WW2 Hungary?
-free elections but rigged to form communist cabinet.
What was the issue for Stalin concerning communists in Hungary?
-not all pro-stalin
-strikes and mass demonstrations broke out.
-led to mass expulsion of members.
Who led Hungary until Stalin died and what was he like?
-Rakosi- Horrible
What was the mood in Hungary following the secret speech?
- hope it would have a positive change
- 1956- Hungary uprisin- slowed down.
What did the Yalta conference mean for East Germany?
-Germany divided into 4 zones- Russia had east.
What undermined the Yalta conference?
-Stalin- 1946 statement saying germany should belong to Russia.
-new currency
-berlin blockade
-west german constitution.
What did the things undermining the Yalta conference cause?
-1949 recognition of east berlin.
By 1947 and the abolition of these monarchies, which countries had communist regime?