Exodux test 1 Flashcards
What did Moses do when the people complained?
He prayed
Why could the Hebrew people not drink the water they found?
It was bitter.
what did God tell Moses to do?
Take a certain tree and throw it into the water.
What happened when Moses threw the tree into the water?
The water became sweet.
Why did they call that place Marah?
Because it means bitter.
what food did God send to the Israelites in the evening?
The Israelite found what on the ground in the morring?
What happened to the manna when the people gathered too much?
It was spoiled and wormy.
On which day was there no manna on the ground?
The Sabbath Day
How much manna were they to gather the day before the Sabbath?
Twice as much
Why did the people stop and camp in Rephidim?
The cloud stopped their
What did Moses do when the Israelites were thirsty and blamed him?
He prayed to God
What did God tell Moses to do?
Strike the rock (once)
What happened when Moses struck the rock?
Water gushed from the rock.
Who attacked the Israelites in Rephidim?
The Amalekites
Who did Moses choose to be captain in the battle?
During the battle, what happened when Moses held up his hands to pray?
The Isrealites would win.
How did Aaron and Hur help Moses.
They held up his hands.
Who won the battle?
The Israelites