Exodus Test 1 Flashcards
God had told them (Noah’s family) to scatter over the face of the earth, but they stayed together and began to build what?
The tower of babel
Who were Noah’s sons?
Shem, ham, Japheth
What did God do when he saw the tall temple-tower?
Scramble up the languages
What were the things that most people worshipped?
Sun moon and stars
What did most people of Ur worship?
“The moon god” ur
Which of Terah’s sons did not worship idols?
Abram later known as abraham
What did God promise to Abram if he obeyed and followed him?
He promised to give him the promised land, make him a great nation of his children, grandchildren, and descendants, to make his name famous, and to cause the entire world to be blessed.
Who was the great blessing that came from Abram’s descendants?
After Abram reached the Promised Land and offered a sacrifice, where did he move to?
a place called Bethel, which means “House of God”
God told Abram to look up into the sky and gave him another promise. What was that promise?
He would have as many descendants as there are stars in the sky
Who was Hagar?
Sarai’s Egyptian servant girl
Who got impatient waiting for God to fulfill his promise?
What did Sarai do, thinking she was “helping” God fulfill his promise?
She gave Hagar to Abram to be the mother.
What was Hagar’s boy’s name?
Was Ishmael the son God promised?
How old was Abram when God changed his name to Abraham?
What does the name Sarah mean?
What was Ishmael’s blessing?
to make him a great nation
What was Isaac’s blessing?
Through him the Lord of lords, Jesus would be born
Where did many of today’s Arab nations come from?
Who could Abraham trust to do a very important job?
Why was it important that Isaac have a good wife?
because through Isaac’s family the promised Savior was to come
Abraham had Eliezer promise him that he would not let Isaac marry one of the _________ girls.
What was Eliezer’s caravan made up of?
ten camels, many servants, all kinds of valuable gifts- golden rings, bracelets, necklaces and earings, dazzling jewels, beautiful and expensive clothes
Who did Eliezer ask for help and guidance in selecting a wife?
Abraham’s God, the Lord
What did Rebekah do that conviced Eliezer she was “the one?
She gave him water and watered his camels too.
Laban and Rebekah’s mother did not want Rebekah to leave them so soon. Did Eliezer stay for a few more days?
What did Eliezer talk about to Rebekah on the journey home?
Of what did Rebekah comfort Isaac?
His mother’s death
What didn’t Eliezer do until he had delivered the message about why he was in Nahor?
What was the important promise God made to Rebekah just before the twins were born?
The elder (Esau) shall serve the younger (Jacob)
Who liked the outdoors and hunting?
Who was quiet, thoughtful, and a good cook?
Why was it not good for the parents to have favorites?
It would cause problems later on
Who was to receive a double share of all of a father’s posessions?
What was the high privilege that the firstborn son in Isaac’s family was to have?
of being an ancestor to Christ
What did Esau give up his birthright to Jacob in trade for?
Red bean soup
How did Jacob deceive his father?
He dressed in Esau’s clothes, tied goat skins on his hands and the smooth part of his neck, and brought the meal Isaac requested of Esau, claiming to be him.
How did Esau feel when he found out Jacob stole his blessing?
Jacob wanted a good thing but he got it the wrong way. How can we apply this lesson to our lives?
We should ask the Lord to help us remember that it is never right to do wrong, even for a good cause
Rebekah decided to “help God out” by getting Jacob to…
deceive his father.
Where did Rebekah tell Jacob to flee to avoid getting killed by Esau?
to his Uncle Laban in Haran
Rebekah expressed to Isaac her desire for Jacob to NOT marry a Canaanite, but her real reason for speaking to Isaac was to..
get Isaac to send him away- thus preventing Esau from killing Jacob.
What was the blessing Jacob gave to Isaac as he went to Haran to take a wife from the daughters of Laban?
God Almighty bless you, and give you many descendants until you become a great nation. May God pass on to you and your children the mighty blessings promised to Abraham, and may you possess this land which God gave to Abraham.
What was the turning point in Jacob’s life?
After he woke from the dream of angel’s going up and down the huge ladder, he had a strong reverence for God. He had known about God, but now he really knew Him.
What did God promise to Jacob in the dream?
I will give this very land on which you are lying to you and your descendants, for you will be many in number like the dust of the earth, and through your seed (Jesus Christ), all the families of the earth will be blessed. I am with you and will protect you wherever you go, and will bring you back safely to this land.”
What did he do to the rock he had used for a pillow?
He set it upright, and poured oil on it to dedicate the place to the Lord.
What did he call the place where he had the dream?
Bethel, “House of God”
Who had built an altar about 160 years earlier on this same place as Jacob?
his grandfather, Abraham
What vow did Jacob make to God?
that if God would be with him, and keep him and bless him and bring him back by this way again that he would give God a tenth (tithe) of all his possessions
What did Pharaoh have done to all the Hebrew baby boys
Throw them in the river
Who stayed at the river
Who found the basket
The princess
Who nursed the baby
What was the baby’s name
What did Moses do when he saw a taskmaster beating a hebrew
Kill the taskmaster
Who ordered Moses to be killed
What was unusual about the burning bush
It didnt burn up
Who spoke to him from the bush
What did God want Moses to do
Lead the hebrews to canaan
Who was sent by The Lord to meet him
Aaron the brother
After moses told pharaoh to let the people go what did pharaoh do
Make them work harder
The hebrew people became angry at ________
Moses and Aaron
What happened to moses’ rod when he threw it down
It became a snake
What happened to the magicians snakes
They were eaten
How did God punish pharaoh
What happened when the rod struck the water
it turned to blood
What did pharaoh do
Harden his heart
What happened to the Egyptian cattle
They got murrain
Where was there no hail
What covered Egypt for 3 days
How many plagues did God send to pharaoh and his people
What blood was sprinkled on the doorposts
A lamb
What happened if there was no blood
The firstborn males were evicerated
What happened if the blood was on the door
The death angel passed over
Whose bones did Moses take when the
Hebrew people left Eglpt?
How did God lead the Hebrew people
tlrrough the wilderness
with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night
Who chased after the Hebrew people?
Pharaohs army
What happened when Moses stretched his rod over the Red Sea
The Red Sea parted, and the wind blew it to dry
Who walked safely across the Red Sea on
dry ground
The hebrew people
What happened to Pharoahs army
The egyptian
Why could the Hebrew people not drink the water they found?
It was bitter
What did Moses do when the people complained
what did God rell Moses ro do?
Cut down a certain tree
What happened when Moses threw the tree into the water
It became pure
Why did they call that place Marah
It means bitter
what food did God send to the Israelites in the evening
The Israelites found what on the ground
in the morning
What happened to the manna when the
people gathered too much
It spoiled
On which day was there ro manna on
the ground
The sabbath
How much manna were they to gather
the day before the Sabbath
Twice as much
Why did the people stop and camp in Rephidim
The cloud stopped
What did Moses do when the Israelites were thirsty and blamed him
He prayed
What did God tell Moses to do
Strike the rock once
What happened when Moses struck the rock
Water gushed out