Exodus and Leviticus Flashcards
Exodus Meaning
Outgoing. In greek it refers to “exit” or “departure”. Nam from the Septuagint.
Theology of Exodus
- God speaks powerfully to all mankind
- Theology of salvation
- God now has a testimony for all people on earth
- Theology of Law
- Theology of Mediation
Themes of Exodus
- The exodus
- The law
- The tabernacle
How many did Abrahams descendents grow to?
Over two million strong
Gods new name
“I am who I am”
Jesus would apply this to himself (John 8:58-59)
Purpose of Plagues:
- Show Israel their true God
- Show Egypt their false gods
- Display his glory to all humanity
Evidences of Plagues:
- Moses predicted the coming of each, and it was only at his word that many of them ceased
- There was some discrimination- after the first three plagues, the Israelites were completely protected from the suffering involved
- is an example of the type of person who sets his heart against any conviction from God, and interprets any act of God’s mercy as a sign that God will not, or cannot, enforce His predicted judgments. According to the book of Revelations, this will be the same attitude of many to God’s final judgments.
- were not exempt from God’s final judgment of the firstborn simply because they were Israelites, but only if they individually showed faith in God by giving obedience to His direction. (Heb. 11:28)
The Passover lamb:
Beautiful type and foreshadow of the Lord Jesus ( John 1:29, 1 Peter 1:18-19)
- represent faith
- As the hyssop plant was used to apply the lamb’s blood in the OT, so faith applies the blood to the human heart in the NT (Ephesians 2:8-9)
- The mere death of the lamb did not automatically save anyone UNTIL the shed blood was applied using the hyssop.
Festival referred to as:
- festival kept by Jews to this day
- since the crucifixion and ressurection took place on the Passover celebration, it coincides with our Easter celebration
- New testament makes it clear that this great event in Egypt speaks of the greater Passover delieverance bought by Jesus at calvary
Heavenly bread became staple diet for:
40 years
Manna as a type of Christ:
- Sent down from heaven
- Sustained life
- Divine gift provided for all
- Personal appropriation was necessary
The Rock:
another type of Christ ( 1 Corinthians 10: 3-4)
How long on Mt. Sinai:
11 months and 5 days
Three major events on Mt. Sinai:
- The law is given
- Golden calf build and worshipped
- The construction of the tabernacle
Three fold nature of law:
- 10 commandments (moral code)
- The judgements (social code)
- The tabernacle (spiritual code)
10 commandments (moral code):
- Also known as the Decalogue, from the greek word meaning “ten words”
- First four commandments: their personal relationship with God
- Last six commandments: their relationship with others
- Matthew 22:34-40
Sabbath set aside for:
Rest and worship. God provided a Sabbath because human beings need to spend unhurried time in worship and rest each week
The tabernacle:
- Exodus 25:9, “Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.”
- This warning was important because Moses was making on earth a copy of what already existed in heaven.
The Holy of Holies and the Veil:
- At the death of Christ this veil was torn in half from top to bottom meaning this was a Divine act.
- When the veil was torn, the Holy of Holies was exposed. God’s presence was now accessible to all.
The Ark of the Covenant:
- God instructed that three Items were to be placed within the ark; a golden pot of manna, Aaron’s (budded) staff, and the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments.
- Means “pertaining to the Levites”
- In Hebrew it means “ And He called”
- This book summed up in one word: Holiness (Leviticus 19:2)
Leviticus Written to show Israel:
- How to live as a holy nation in fellowship with God
- How to reflect the holiness of God to all nations
Leviticus teaches this in 3 ways:
- The sacrificial system
- The principals of the law
- The penalties
(the brother of Moses from the tribe of Levi) was the first High Priest and all priests from that time on had to be sons of Aaron.
The Way to God:
- The sin offerings
- The guilt offerings
The walk with God:
- The burnt offerings
- The grain offerings
- The fellowship offerings
The first three holidays:
- Passover (unleavened bread)
- First fruits
- Weeks
Last three holidays:
- Trumpets
- Yom Kippur (day of Atonement)
- Tabernacles
Weeks (Pentecost):
- One of the three feasts that all able bodied men were required to attend in Jerusalem.