Exodus Flashcards
Why does Moses say he cannot lead the people from Egypt?
"Who am I?" "Who are you?" "What if they don't believe me?" "I am slow of speech" "Send someone else"
What do the Hebrew midwives do to protect the Hebrew children? Are their actions good?
They tell pharoh that the babies arrive before they get there. Yes
What is the first plague? Why is this significant?
Turned Nile into blood. Nile was already graveyard cuz of baby boys. Also they worshiped the Nile so God is showing He is greater
What do you think happens to Egypt’s farming during the plagues?
Crops destroyed
Who eats the Passover meal?
All circumcised men and all in their household
What do the Hebrews call the bread that they find in the wilderness? What does the word mean?
Manna; what is it
How does Israel know that The Lord has come down on Mount Sinai?
Mount was covered in smoke and The Lord came down in fire
What is the penalty for theft according to the law of Moses?
Thief must pay back double
What are the rules for owning and releasing slaves?
Serves for 6 yrs. 7 they are set free. If they come single, they leave single. Servant may choose to stay
How many festival days is Israel supposed to have?
Festival of Unleavened Bread- 7
Festival of Weeks
Festival of Ingathering
Why does Israel want Aaron to make a golden calf?
They thought Moses wasn’t coming back so they wanted gods to go before them
What does Moses do when he sees Israel worshipping an idol?
Got mad and threw the tablets/broke them then burned the calf and threw the ashes in the water and made the Israelites drink it
What does The Lord say he is going to do because of the golden calf? How does Moses respond to that?
He says he is going to destroy Israel but Moses funds favor and spares them
Who are Bezalel and Oholiab? What do they do?
They are the ones who God gave the skills to put together the tabernacle
Who Puts the tabernacle together?
Bezalel and Oholiab and all those skilled amoung the workers
What happens when the tabernacle is finished?
Moses sets it up and the glory of The Lord fills the tabernacle
What is one of the most important ideas in the world?
What does exodus mean?
Coming out/exit
What does Moses mean? Why is that significant?
Drawn out. He was drawn out of the water and he draws Israel out of Egypt
When was the year of the Exodus?
Around 1447 BC
What was the timeline of Moses’ life?
He spent 40 years in Egypt, 40 years Midian and 40 years in the wilderness with Israelites
Where does Moses receive the calling?
Horeb aka Sinai
What are Moses’ 5 excuses? What are God’s responses?
1) “who am I?” 1) I will be with you
2) “what is your name?” 2) I am who I am
3) “what if they don’t believe me?” 3) what is in your hand? (3 signs)
4) “I am slow of speech” 4) “who have speech?
5) “send someone else” 5) Aaron speaks but Moses is leader
What are the requirements of the Passover? List why it’s symbolic if able.
- every male circumcised: part of cov. With God
- spotless lamb roasted (symbol of purity and cleanest way to cook)
- bitter herbs (remember the pain of sin & suffering)
- no yeast for 7 days (yeast is a symbol of sin, pride, and arrogance)
- must eat standing up with travel clothes on
- blood on doorpost (Christ’s blood (spotless lamb) over doorpost of out hearts so death passes over)
- not work during time of Passover (god brought them out so they didn’t have to work all the time
What is the purpose of the Passover?
To remember slavery and the way The Lord rescued them
How long did it take for the Red Sea crossing?
All night
Why did the Israelites go this way?
They went where God led them. God led them that way to show his glory and to make the Egyptians think they didn’t know what they were doing
What did they do after the Red Sea crossing?
Partied 3 days then complain about bitter water
What does marah mean?
What does Massah mean?
What does Maribah mean?
What is special about the Sinai covenant?
It’s an if… Then cov. It’s kinda like a wedding where Yahweh is the groom, Israelites are the bride, and Moses is the preacher
What is the punishment for the golden calf?
What are the dimensions of the Holy of Holies?
10 x 10 cubits
What are the dimensions of the Holy Place?
20 x 10 cubits
What are the dimensions of the courtyard?
50 x 100 cubits
What is in the Holy of Holies?
Ark of covenant, which holds the tablets of law, pot of manna, and Aaron’s rod
What is in the Holy Place?
Lamp stand, altar of incense, table of acacia wood
What is in the courtyard?
Altar of brazen, laver
What is the purpose of emphasis of the tabernacle?
1) external form of covenant 2) visual bond of fellowship
Under the law of Moses, what happens to a person who strikes or curses a father and mother?
What is the punishment for kidnapping?
What is the punishment for a man who causes a pregnant woman to go into premature labor? What does this say about abortion?
If there is no injury, he must pay the husband a fee. If there is an injury, take eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life. It tells us that there is life in the womb that God cares about
Why are there different punishments for different sorts of killing?
Some are done by accident and some are planned. It’s all about motives
What are the rules for animals that harm human beings?
If it’s an accident, the meat can’t be eaten. If the animal is wild and the owner knows but does not control it, the bull is stoned and owner is put to death
What is the penalty for theft? Why?
They must pay restitution in order to restore relationship and possessions. The thief will get the same loss they tried to inflict on the victim
How are Israelites supposed to treat strangers, orphans, and the poor? Why?
Respect them because they were once strangers in Egypt