Exodontia Flashcards
Learn all about the procedure instruments and indications
Inhaled tooth goes into right bronchus? (true or false)
False it’s usually coughed out.
the root however may enter, and is should be removed immediately by bronchoscope.
A pregnant patient in second trimester falls into syncope, she should be kept in which position?
Left Lateral.
Bulls eye type of appearance is seen in IOPA in?
DistoAngular impaction
Reactionary Hemorrhage occurs due to
high blood pressure
A male taking Hydrocortisone 60mg daily , the day before extraction the dose should be?
Patients undergoing corticosteroid therapy will have concomitant decreased adrenal reserve and will decompensate when exposed to additional stress. To prevent adrenal crisis dose remains unchanged.
Secondary Hemorrhage results from?
Breakdown of clot on account of infection. (7-10 days)
Mechanical advantage by straight elevators is-
apex elevator - 2.5
cross bars- 4.6
a patient on dicoumoral therapy requires a tooth extraction. the surgical risk involved is -
increased PROTHROMBIN time.
In a patient of Liver disease the possible complication during extraction is -
Trismus post 4 weeks of extraction is possibly due to -
breakage of needle in pterygomandibular space
Elective dental procedures in a patient with myocardial infarct two months prior is best-
postponed until 6 months have elapsed.
absolute contraindications for extraction of teeth
central hemangioma
one day after complete mouth extraction, blue black spots seen on neck of the patient indicate-
postoperative ecchymosis
In a vertically impacted third mandibular molar the distal root is most likely to slip in-
submandibular space
Extraction in case of infection is-
Done to aid drainage and relieve pain if proper antibiotic is given and adequate blood levels is reached
When forceps is to be utilised for removal of a tooth the first direction for the force to be applied is -
An elevator can be used to advantage when
Multiple adjacent Teeth have to be removed
Number 16 & 23 cowhorn forceps are specially designed to extract-
Mandibular Molars
RubberBand Extraction is done in patients with -
Bleeding Disorders like hemophilia and hemangioma
No. 88 cowhorn forceps are used for -
Maxillary third molars
Syncope is transient loss of consciousness due to
cerebral anoxia (Spirit of ammonia acts as a respiratory stimulant)
Red Winter’s Line indicates
Depth of the Tooth in the bone
The most common cause of Disimpaction of mandibular third molar is
Recurrent Pericoronitis
The most common and least difficult of all impactions
Mesioangular impaction
Airotor complication during bone cutting
High risk conditions indicated for prophylactic antibiotics before extraction
Congenital Heart Diseases
Prosthetic Cardiac Valve
Bacterial Endocarditis
A in WHARFEs assesment stands for
Hourglass Appearance is seen in
Partial encirclement of the interior alveolar canal (mandibular third molar)
Difficulty scale for impaction based on Angulation
Anti platelet action of Aspirin dose is
0.5-1 mg/kg/day. ~ 30-90 mg/day
Sicca Dolorosa is also known as
Dry socket aka Alveolar Osteitis aka localised Alveolar Osteomyelitis
Risk Factor for women leading to dry socket
Oral contraceptives
No. 14 L and 14 R elevators are used for
Mandibular Molars
Who developed the criteria for TRUE relationship of root apices of impacted mandibular third molar to inferior alveolar canal
Howe and Poyton (1960)
An elderly man with Ischemic Heart Disease goes into Syncope, peripheral pulse is absent, BP is not recordable and ECG shows wide complex tachycardia. Immediate management consists of?
DC cardioversion (defibrillator)
Lingual flap in mandibular third molar is retracted by
Broad spatula by Greenwood et all is preferred as it is much less likely to be associated with sensory loss.
Howarth Retractor can also be used because of close proximity of lingual nerve in relation to impacted third molar.
Austin retractor is used for
Reflecting Mucoperiosteal flap of buccal side - so bone can be visualised and mesio buccal bone guttering can be done around impacted third molar.
Lingual Split Technique uses
During attempted extraction of upper molar, to determine the position of the roots displaced into antrum, ideal radiograph would be -
Maxillary Oblique Occlusal Radiograph
Water’s view - 3D localisation
Cardiac Dysarrythmia during extraction is caused by stimulation of
Trigeminal Nerve
Loss of tooth is accompanied by
loss of bone height AND width
Resorption pattern of Mandible is
Downward and outward.
bone width is decreased then height.
Maxilla is exactly opposite. (upward and onward)
To close proximity antral fistula which flap should not be used?
Mucous flap
Working end of Crier elevator is placed at
over the interradicular bone
Ideal time for removal of impacted Third molar is
when the roots of teeth are one third formed and before when they are two thirds formed
shoehorn forceps is another name for
Small straight elevators
Mandibular vertically impacted tooth, root may be pushed into…… space
Submandibular space
Mandibular mesioangular impacted tooth is pushed into ….. space
pterygomandibular Space
Maxillary Third molar is usually pushed into
Infratemporal Space
Most common areas of Post op ecchymosis are
submandibular lower lip
floor of mouth