Exo- Blood, Anaemia, Haemostasis Flashcards
How much blood in L do adults have
What % of blood is
- plasma
- Buffy coat (leukocytes, platelets)
- Erythrocytes (the haematocrit)
- Plasma 55%
- Buffy Coat (leukocytes and platelets) <1%
- Erythrocytes or “Haematocrit” 45%
What is haematopoiesis
formation of blood cells
Start as pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell “Hemocytoblast”
Pluripotent cells then differentiate into mature cells!
Mature blood cell examples
White cells
Mature cells have a finite lifespan in the blood… how long for
- red
- platelets
- white cells
- Red cells= 120 days
- Platelets= 7-10 days
- White cells= 6 hours
What Hormones stimulate and control blood cell production?
- Red cells: erythropoietin (EPO)
- White cells: granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF)
- Platelets: thrombopoietin (TPO)
Describe Red cells, Erythrocytes
• Simple cell; no nucleus or mitochondria
• Biconcave disc
- Maximises surface area to volume ratio, SA:V (Greater SA)
- Flexible (can move through capillary beds)
• 4 x 1012/L. (per L of blood)
• Contains haemoglobin, able to carry oxygen
What is • Haemoglobin?
contains iron which reversibly binds oxygen in lungs.
- This oxygen is then carried to and released to tissues
What is Anaemia?
deficient haemoglobin levels (or red cells?)
- Acute: due to blood loss (e.g.)
- Chronic: due to vitamin deficiencies, sickle cell disease
Symptoms of anaemia?
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Pallor- pale appearance
- Headaches
What is polycythaemia?
an increase in red cells (thick blood is hard to pump around the body!)
- Raised levels of Erythropoietin (EPO) hormone levels due to hypoxia
- Reduction in plasma volume due to dehydration or smoking
What are platelets?
- Tiny anucleate cells
- Made from megakaryocytes in bone marrow
- Circulate in resting state
- Bind to damaged vessel wall to plug hole and stop bleeding (blood clotting)
- 140 – 400 x 109/L of blood
Name for low platelet count?
- Platelets <80 increased risk of bleeding
- Platelets < 20 spontaneous bleeding / bruising
Name for high platelet count?
- Increased rates of arterial and venous thrombosis (obstructing blood flow in circulatory system)
What are neutrophils
- The most prevalent white cell in blood
- Phagocytose and kill bacteria
- Release cytokines/chemokines which cause an inflammatory response- temperature
- “Neutrophilia” Increased in bacterial infections
- Neutropenia” Low number after chemotherapy or frequent/severe infections
What are lymphocytes
- Fight viral infections
- “Lymphocytosis” high number in EBV infection (glandular fever)
- “Immunodeficiency” Lack of lymphocytes
- E.g. HIV virus infects CD4 T cells- Immunodeficiency virus
What are B Lymphocytes (made in bone marrow)
- Differentiate into plasma cells
- Produce immunoglobulins (antibodies) when stimulated by exposure to a foreign antigen
- Vital for immunity and response to vaccinations
What are T lymphocytes?
- CD4 (helper) cells
- CD8 (cytotoxic) cells
- Aid B cells in antibody generation and also responsible for cell mediated immunity
What is Leukaemia?
Leukaemia- Malignancy of white blood cells
Difference between acute and chronic leukaemia?
Acute leukaemia: proliferation of immature cells without differentiation
Chronic leukaemias: proliferation with differentiation
In leukaemia- Bone marrow is replaced by malignant cells, symptoms:
Anaemia (fatigue, pallor)
Neutropenia (infections)
Thrombocytopenia (bleeding & bruising)
4 Classifications of Leukaemia…
- Acute myeloid leukaemia- Myeloblast
- Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia- Common lymphoid progenitor
- Chronic myeloid leukaemia
- Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia- B lymphocytes
What is lymphoma?
Malignancy of lymphoid cells, predominantly in lymph nodes
• Hodgkin’s lymphoma
• Non Hodgkin lymphoma
What is myeloma?
Malignant proliferation of plasma cells
Produces monoclonal immunoglobulin (paraprotein)
Clinical features:
Calcium (hypercalcaemia – bone pain, constipation)
Renal failure
Bone lesions (lytic lesions, fractures, pain)
Treatment – outpatient, mainly oral chemotherapy
Name some Plasma proteins and their functions?
Albumin- regulate the oncotic pressure of blood
- Carrier proteins for nutrients or hormones etc.
- Coagulation proteins
- Series of proteins that circulate in an inactive form
- Function= make blood clot
- Convert soluble fibrinogen-> insoluble fibrin polymer
- Overactivity= thrombosis
- Failure= bleeding
• Immunoglobins (Antibodies)
- Produced by plasma cells in response to exposure to foreign substance
- Different classes (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE)
- Basis of vaccination
Red cells carry proteins on their surface (antigens) which differ between individuals
- Over 400 different systems of red cell antigens
What are the 2 main ones?
2 most important systems:
ABO and Rhesus
- Donors must be compatible in both systems!
How does the ABO blood group system work…
Inheritance pattern=
- O is recessive, so O = O,O
- A = AA or AO,
- B = BB or BO,
- AB = AB
UK population: O= 45%, A= 40%,B=12%, AB= 3%
Who can O receive/give blood to?
O blood has neither A or B antigens, has Antibodies against both!
Can receive blood from only O (Universal donors) but can give blood to all 3 other types.
What can A give/receive blood to?
- Give to A or AB
- Receive from A or O
Have A antigens and antibodies against B.
What can AB give/receive blood to?
Both A and B antigens but no antibodies
- Can receive from everyone (Universal recipients)
- Only give blood to AB
How does Rhesus system work?
Rh system
- if Rh antigen is present on surface of RBC= Rh positive +
- if Rh antigen is NOT present on surface of RBC= Rh negative +
85% of population D positive.
If you are D negative you can make anti D.
o Pregnancy- women given anti D to prevent sensitisation
Indications for a blood transfusion
- Hypovolaemia/ blood loss
- Severe anaemia
- Anaemia that cannot be corrected by bone marrow function
Contradictions to blood transfusions
- Iron deficiency or B12/folate def
- Minor blood loss
- Asymptomatic anaemia
A blood transfusion can also have serious, life-threatening complications- RISKS
• ABO incompatibility reaction – can be rapidly fatal
• Delayed transfusion reactions
• Febrile (fever) reactions, urticarial reactions (hives/ skin rash)
• Fluid overload, pulmonary oedema
• Infections:
- Bacterial
- Viral (HIV, hepatitis B and C)
- Malaria
- Prions (vCJD)
• Long term – iron overload: damage to heart, liver
Definition of anaemia?
Haemoglobin concentration below normal range ‘grams per litre’
Symptoms of Anaemia- what the px complains
- Fatigue
- Reduced exercise tolerance
- Shortness of breath on exertion and at rest
- Postural hypotension
- Dizziness
- Palpitations
- Angina- when anaemia is very severe
- Heart failure- shortness of breath (SOB) (anaemia is very severe)
Signs of Anaemia- what is found when examining the px
- Pallor- pale
- Tachycardia
- Heart murmurs
- Koilonychia (iron deficiency)- finger nails go the opposite way
- Angular stomatitis
- Glossitis (B12/ folate deficiency)
What is • Mean cell volume (MCV)?
in fl= femtolitres
how big the red cells are
- Low <82 Microcytic anaemia- red cells are too small due to iron deficiency
- Normal= Normocytic
- High > 96 Macrocytic anaemia – big size, vitamin b12 and folic acid deficiency
Classification of Anaemia (3)
- Microcytic
- Macrocytic
- Normocytic
Causes of Microcytic anaemia
small RBCs
- Iron deficiency
- Thalassaemia; group of inherited conditions that affect haemoglobin- produce no/little haemaglobin
- Anaemia of chronic disease (rarely)
Causes of macrocytic anaemia (big RBCs)
- vit. B12 deficiency
- B9 deficiency
Causes of Macrocytic RBCs without anaemia
- Liver disease
- Hypothyroidism
- Alcohol
Causes of Normocytic anaemia- when BCs are normal sized
- Acute bleeding- lose lots of red cells
- Haemolysis: congenital, acquired
- Aplastic anaemia
- Anaemia of chronic disease
Physiological Adaptations to Anaemia-
- Tachycardia- pump blood around body faster to get more oxygen to tissues
- Cardiomegaly- abnormal enlargement of the heart
- Increased cardiac output
- Right shift oxygen dissociation curve- better delivery of oxygen to the tissues
Cause of iron deficiency:
- Reduced intake (almost impossible in the UK)
- Increased requirements e.g. pregnancy/ childbirth, malabsorption, coeliac disease
- Chronic blood loss- Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding), GI blood loss: Upper GI/ Lower GI
- Abnormal if food in men- investigate GI tract!! As they don’t have periods
How to do diagnose.. Diagnosis of Iron deficiency-
Full Blood Count (FBC): Hb, MCV, MCHC (all 3 parameters will be low)
• Main test used in UK= Serum Ferritin- measure amount of ferritin in the blood
Extra tests (not usually used)- • Fe and TIBC • Bone marrow or liver biopsy = tissue iron stores
Treatment of Iron deficiency
Treat the cause
Ferrous sulphate 200mg oral od, until haemoglobin normal and then further 3 months to rebuild stores
B12 and Folate deficiency- these are required by all cells!
For what? (2)
- Necessary for haematopoiesis
- Necessary for DNA synthesis of all cells
What does B12/folate deficiency cause? (4)
- Megaloblastic anaemia-
- Macrocytic anaemia (High MCV of >96 fl)
- leukopenia
- thrombocytopenia