Exit Test Flashcards
This is truly a life or death issue
Protect your body from HIV
You’ll feel closer to others (but only do this with safe people)
Say what you really think
Say “no” to protect yourself
Set a boundary
Carry something positive (poem,) or negative (photo of friend overdose)
Inspire yourself
Face a problem before it becomes huge; notice red-flags
Watch for danger signs
Make healing your most urgent and important goal, above all else
Prioritize healing
In any situation, you have choices
List your options
Talk to yourself very gently
Soothing talk
Listen to yourself with respect and care
What is the price of substance abuse in your life?
Notice the cost
Just keep moving forward; the only way out is through
Trust the process
Choose whatever will make you like yourself tomorrow
Choose self-respect
Distract, walk away, change the channel
Detach from emotional pain (grounding)
In slow motion, notice the exact moment when you chose a substance
Notice the choice point
You’ll feel more in control with “to-do” lists and a clean house
Get organized
Secrets and lying are at the core of PTSD and substance abuse; honesty heals them
Be specific, set a deadline, and let others know about it
Set an action plan
A good plan today is better than a perfect one tomorrow
Try something, anything
Remember a phrase that works for you (“stay real”)
Find rules to live by
Try to notice and understand your reenactments
Observe repeating patterns
Do what you know will help you, even if you don’t feel like it
Do the right thing
Evaluate both sides of the picture
Examine the evidence
Promise yourself to do what’s right to help your recovery
Make a commitment
Don’t take it personally when things go wrong-try to just to seek a solution
Solve the problem
Eat candy instead of getting high
Replace destructive activities
Take an active approach to protect yourself
Fight the trigger
“No feeling is final”, just get through it safely
Tolerate the feeling
The more you practice and participate, the quicker the healing
Work the material
Self-talk helps you in difficult times
Talk yourself through it
Think in a way that helps you feel better
Before you accept criticism or advice, notice who’s telling it to you
Notice the source
Make the most of available opportunities
Do the best you can with what you have
List the aspects of your life you do control (job, friends)
Notice what you can control
Find out whether your assumption is true, rather than staying “in your head”
If it can’t be fixed, detach
Let go of destructive relationships
Find a healthy way to celebrate anything you do right
Reward yourself
If you suspect danger, stay away
When in doubt, don’t
See how different the day feels
Pretend you like yourself
Prevent bad situations in advance
Avoid avoidable suffering
Take the time to think ahead-it’s the opposite of impulsivity
Plan it out