Exit Retaks Flashcards
Alzheimer’s standing up at hallway
Escort client to a quiet area on the unit
Has continent urinary division
Use intermittent urinary catherization for a client at regular intervals
Car restrain safety for a group of parents
My 12 yr old should place the shoulder lap belt low across hips
Promote eating with a client with cold
Drink high protein and high calorie nutritional supplements
Nurse should recognize that the Ap understands the procedure when she removes
Client crying and states provider informed him that he has a tumor and will need biopsy
What have you done in the past to help you get through stressful situations
Inspecting skin of new born
Generalized petechie
Male adolescents about the adverse effect of anabolic steroid use
Reduced high potential
Older adult client who has severe left sided heart faliure
Rest 15 mins between activities
Older client notes include in the weekly care summary
Hydration status
Head injury. Using the Glasgow scale collection data the nurse should obtain which of the following information
Motor response
Reinforcing teaching with a client about the use of elastic stockings
Apply stockings in the morning
Scheduled to undergo a cardiac catherization in 2 days
Do you know if you’re allergic to iodine
Nystatin oral suspension to a client who has oral candiasis
Hold the medication in youre mouth for several minutes prior to swallowing
Time management strategies
Prepare priority list
Witness a client who is scheduled for surgery sign Informed consent
Ask the client if he understands the procedure
Mental health client caring for a client with alchol disorder
What if you’re current understand about the purpose of aa
2 days post operative following a total knee arthroplasty assigned to the ap
Reapply antiembolic stockings after the shower
Nurse stole his money from his room, therapeutic responses nurse should make
Tell me how you decided who took ur money
Receiving radiation for cancer of larynx
I will wear a soft scarf around my neck when I am outside
Flacc scale to determine the level of pain for a 11 month old infant post opp
Level of activity
Transferring techniques from transferring client from bed to chair
Use lower body strength
Self administer epotin alfa
Administer subcutaneously
5 yr old child is having frequent nightmares
My child goes back to sleep right away
Child weights 21.8kg and has chest tube applied to suction
250 ml of sanguineous damage over the last 3 hr
Teaching with a client about advance directives
I can change my health care decisions
Had rublea
Regarding a med she does not recognize
Verify the prescription on the clients med record
Collect dating 4 clients recommend for treatment
Shortness of breath after taking amoxicillin
Sees smoke coming from waste basket
Assist the client to the nearby waiting area
Final stages of cancer ethical deilemma
Help her die peacefully in her sleep
Has osteoarthritis
apply Capscain cream 4 times a day
Minor burn on his palm after touching stove
- Clean with soap and tepid water
2.remove any embedded debris
3.apply anti microbial cream
4.wrap hand in guaz
5.inform the parent of dressing change schedule
Requires to sign a separate informed consent
Lumbar puncture
Manifestations of anxiety with a client who had generalized anxiety disorder
Say the word stop when thoughts occur
Dressing change for a client who is 3 days post opp
Yellow drainage on the incision line
Receiving betaxolo to treat glaucoma adverse effect
Discharge teaching lithotripsy for uric acid stones
Stain the urine to collect stone fragments
Schedule for peritoniel dialysis
Ensure the dialysate solution is in room temp
2000mg sodium restricted diet
Canned peaches
Action to take when the seizure subsides
Keep client in lying position
Preform bladder scan
Should not experience any discomfort
Admission for old adult
Complete fall risk assessment for client
Promote hyper-extension
Move arm behind her body with elbow straight
4 clients collect data first
Client has asthma and had frequent exacerbation on previous shift
34 weeks gestation
Monitor ur bp using ur right are daily
Gastric ulcer finding report to provider
Iv cancer and active stages of dying
Administer atropine to reduce the clients respiratory distress
Use of epidural analgesia with newly licensed nurses
Report leaking at the insertion site of the anesthesiologist
Plan of care receiving continuous bladder irrigation immediately following a transurethral resection of Prostate
Maintain drainage flow rate and keep the urine diuluted usted to reddish pink color
Schedule for mastectomy and tells nurse not ready to have this procedure
Would you like for me to to talk to the surgeon with you
School age child hypoglycemia manifestations
With a community education program for parents of preschoolers promote physical activity
Should provide unorganized play activities for you’re child each day
Transfusions of parked rbc hemolytic reaction report provided
Rlly cold may I have another blanket
30 weeks gestation diabetes report following findings
Reviving pancrelipse experiencing therapeutic response to medication
Decrease number of stools
12 hr post opp total hop arthroplasty action nurse take
Place an abduction wedge between child’s legs with he is in bed
Nurse see first
36weeks gastatjln and reports painless vaginal bleeding
Teaching about to replace her 2 piece ostomy punching system
Hold the skin taut while removing the barrier
Hep a and is incontient of stool
Viral meningitis
Place client private room
Prepubescent female clients
You will likely gain weight before you start to get taller
Oral contraceptives contradiction
Coronary artery disease
I have nothing to live for.
Sounds no hope are u thinking of hurting ur self
Reviving continuous feeding
Measure the ph gastric tube aspirate prior to administering nutrition
34 weeks mild relapses to servere preclampsia
Reports blurred vision
Indicate hepatic tenderness
Upper right quadrant nurse should palpate where liver is located
Undergo a thoracentesis for a left pleural effusion
Up right with arms resting over bed table
Underago left pleural effusion
Upright with arms resting on the the over bed table
Asthma prescription for thophylline
Discountiue drinking caffeinated brevs
New prescription for metronfiazlole adverse effect
Redish-brown urine
Receive morphine through pca pump after surgery
Increase fluid intake while receiving this med thru pca pump
Generalized anxiety disorder. Live at home with partner. Priority for nurse to address
Prescription isn’t genetic so we can’t afford it anymore
Nurse fill out incident report for
Visitor develops bruise in her head following syncopation episode
Stroke difficulty eating using utensils
Occupational therapist
Discharge home after cerebrovascular accident, discharge instructions
List of symptoms to report
Child Ingested full bottle of acetic
Take ur child to emergency department
Nurse about creating health care proxy
Person will appoint health decisions when the client is no longer able to make decisions herself
Venipuncture to obtain blood sample
Sure in antecubital fossa
2 days post off thoracic surgery report provider
WBC 2500
Medical record to locate information of clients personal health insurance
Admission sheet
Depent personality disorder
Client calls her partner to ask what she would wear each day
Iv fluid following finding nurse stop infusion
Edema about the catheter site
Does not speak same language as nurse monitor for
Facial expression during communication
Request prescription for seclusion
Clients hits another bc she thought he was talking about her
Phobia of elevators
Remains relaxed when thinking of the phobia
Post partum has deep vein thrombosis, following meds nurse should ensure is readily available
Protomain sulfate
Plan of care client had pneumonia
Clients preforms bathing in evening
Pediculosis caprtis management prevention strategies
1.cloning separate cubical
2.boil hot brushes in water 10 min
3.dry bed linens and clothing hot dyer 20 mins
Client has gastronomy tube
Plush the tume with 60ml of water if becomes clogged
Insert cath in female
1.cleans front to back
2.non dom hand to expose urinary meatus
3.advance 5-7
5.ask client to bear down
Ng tube for gastric decompression
Above level of stomach when client is ambulating
500ml over in 4 hr
Post op sir on the side of the bed actions nurse take
Elevate the head of the clients bed
Iron deficiency anemia consume
Red meats
3yr old toddler at a well child vist. Child will not eat full meal
Offer healthy snacks more frequent rather than expecting full meals
Excercise ecg test
Comfortable shoes during test
Natural disaster occurs, nurse recommend for discharge
Pneumonia and currently receiving oral antibiotics
Fentanyl 30 min before dilvery nurse monitor new born
Respitory heart rate
Oxygen therpay nasal cannula
Apply water based lubricants around nostril prevent irritation
Hypotension beginning therpay with captorpil over count med to avoid
Terminal cancer cope with they situation
Dad I remeber we went fishing at lake
Observe client in labor
Squating using a birth ball counter pressure to the sacral area leaning forward while kneeling
7 month old expected gross motor skill
Sitting and leading foward
Using both hands for support
Type 1 diabetes’s understand teaching
Dispose needle in a plastic detergent bottle
Amoxicillin oral suspension 400mg
School age child serve hempoilia a
Soak my sons tooth brush in warm water to soften
Difficulty sleeping
Offer snack of whole grain cracker before bed time
Self administer enozaparin
Subq Injection
Dnr prescription
Check documentation that provider spoke with client
Add most protein in clients diet
Peanut butter
Older adult hip fracture
External rotation
Apply stocking
Apply stocking before getting client out of bed
Im immunization to preschooler
Let’s give medcine to ur doll first
Motor vehicles accident
Can’t give info you will need to speak with ur employee
Newborn 12 hr old stools parents should expect
Dark green and viscous
Atrovastin adverse effect report provider
Muscle pain
Bipolar disorder and manic phase , activity nurse should recommend
Walk outside with staff member
Sti adolescent at health fair
Gonorreah may result in infertility
Herpes zoster. Nurse include
Contagious till blisters heal
Preparing for trachostomy care
Open steril packages
Toddler findings possible physical neglect
Tolder is inadequately dressed for weather
Recognizes that a double dose of oral digoxin was given 1 hr ago
Vital signs
Pump at bed side is warm to touch
Unplug the equipment and remove it
Anorexia nervosa
Record the amount of food client consumes
Documenting care in medical record entries nurse should make
Client remain npo until X-ray comeplete
Babinksi reflex
Stroke sole infants foot up word toward great toe
Ecg finding nurse should report to charge nurse
Pr intervals o.24 seconds
Example of rationalization
Good grade bc teacher don’t like me
Reports excruciating headaches
Cerebrospinal analysis
Scheduled for lumbar puncture
Increase fluid intake after procedure
Montelukast 1 month complying with this regimen
Once daily at bedtime
Prediction for phenytoin
Preform gum messags
Lungs, adventitious sounds nurse should document
12 hr postop morphine 30 min ago
Respiratory 10
4 days post opp temp 102.4 bp/ 152/82
Finding as variance
Potential complication of mechanical ventilation
Ph 7.5
Intimate partner violence. Risk for intimate partner Violence
Recent confirmation of pregnancy
Schizophrenia statements nurse should identify as delusional
Dr glasses have laser that will burn holes in my brain
Lpn ask the charge nurse to resigned to rn
New colostomy and requires development of teaching plan
Promises to return
Kosher diet expect to see clients meal tray
Spaghetti and red meat sauce
Continuous tube feeding
Flush with water before administering med
Has iabetes insipidious
Urine gravity 1.002
Ap recognize as assult
Insertion of ng tube
Female client tuberculosis and new prescription of rifampin
Use condoms and additional birth control pills to decrease risk of pregnancy
Alchol use disorder and begin disulfriM therapy
Signed informed consent before starting this med
Reports 12 liquid stools in the last 8 hr
Potassium level 2.5