Exit Exam Flashcards
The way prophecy came, was Holy men of God
A. Spoke as they decided of their own will
B. Spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost
C. Wrote as they thought best, and when they saw fit
D. Wrote as they thought best, and when they saw fit
E. Gathered it up as it fell from heaven
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Scripture is given by inspiration of God A. All B. Only the New Testament C. The best parts of the D. None of the E. Some of
Paul said, what Christians heard him preach A. Was merely his personal opinion B. Was the word of a nice man C. Was in truth, the Word of God D. Was not God's Word E. Contained some very good thoughts
Paul explained that he spoke the words which the Holy Ghost teaches.
A. Comparing spiritual things with spiritual things
B. Comparing spiritual things with man’s wisdom
C. Comparing spiritual truths with worldly books
D. Comparing spiritual truths with old commentaries
E. Comparing spiritual truths with personal feelings
The Word of Prophecy (Holy Scriptures) is
A. An out dated book for our modern age
B. A collections of old Jewish history and fables
C. A pretty good code of ethics, like the Koran or the Vedas
D. A beautiful literary work, like Shakespeare
E. As a light that shines in a dark place
John wrote his Gospel of Jesus Christ A. To set up a hard standard for others to follow B. To protest against the world C. Hoping it would be a best seller D. That we might believe and have life E. To start a new religion
The Gospel of Christ is
A. An exaggerated ancient legend
B. A means to get religious clubs to do good deeds
C. Divine influence that tries to reform “downs and outers”
D. The power of God unto judgment and condemnation
E. The power of God unto Salvation
God's Word shall not A. Accomplish what he pleases B. Return into him void Prosper in the thing whereunto he sent it D. Achieve its purposes E. Affect its object
T or F
Nearly every word if God is pure
T or F
We have a fairly sure Word of prophecy
T or F
The Psalmist felt the Word of God illuminated his daily life
T or F
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God
T or F
The Word of God has boundaries and limitations
T or F
Heaven and earth shall pass away with the Word of God
There is only \_\_\_\_ God A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four E. Many
God is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ A. Dead B. Living C. Non-personal D. A religion E. The force of nature
The Scriptures speaks of the Godhead as ______.
A. Father, Mother and Christ Child
B. Father, Son & Holy Ghost
C. The Father, Son, Holy Spirit & Virgin Mary
D. God and Jesus Only
E. Jesus Only
A Bible name of God, the Father is: A. Allah B. Jehovah C. The Great White Father D. The Higher Power E. The Mind
The Bible name of God, the Son is: A. The world's Greatest Teacher B. Founder of Christianity C. The Greatest Psychologist D. The First Incarnation E. Jesus Christ
A Bible name of God, the Holy Ghost is: A. A pillar of smoke B. The Comforter C. The Divine Influence D. The Essence of the Supreme Soul E. The Christmas Spirit
The Bible says God is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. An Idol B. Imagination of Human Beings C. The Sum of all Matter D. An Exalted Man E. A Spirit
God is Not \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. Eternal B. Immortal C. Invisible D. Wise E. Changeable
The statement, “God created man in His own image” indicates:
A. That facial features resemble
B. Only figurative language
C. An Evolutionary process
D. That Father, Son and Holy Ghost corresponds to Spirit, Soul & Body
E. The ignorance of the cave men
God is not to be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. Worshipped B. Glorified C. Praised D. Served E. Argued
T or F
The Angel miraculously placed the seed in Mary and she conceived Jesus.
T or F
Jesus is the express image of the invisible God.
T or F
Jesus was God manifest in the flesh.
T or F
When Jesus was baptized He descended like a dove and spoke out of heaven.
T or F
The Word of God
T or F
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, is gone forever.
T or F
Jesus ascended up to become the Father, so there is now no more Son.
T or F
Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is unforgivable.
T or F
Jesus is now exalted by the left hand of the Father on High.
T or F
We are not to worship Christ, only God the Father.
T or F
The name of the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost is Jesus.
T or F
Praise is the fruit of our lips.
T or F
If you praise the Lord’s name from dawn to dark, you will be over doing it
Jesus was \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. An Angel made flesh B. An ordinary man of God C. The only Begotten Son of God D. Equal with many other sons of God E. The most popular historical myth
Jesus is never \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in our Scriptures. A. The Christ B. The Son of God C. The Messiah D. The Immaculate Conception E. Rabbi
Jesus is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. Not necessary to Salvation B. The Greatest of the Saviors C. The first one God saved D. The only Savior of the World E. One of the ways to get saved
A. Could not be tempted because he was God
B. Was tempted and sinned like all men
C. Did not understand the temptations
D. Tried his best to live a holy life, but of course was not sinless
E. Was tempted, but did not sin
Jesus fasted for A. 30 days and nights B. 4 days and nights C. 20 days and nights D. 40 days and nights E. 40 days, eating only at night
Jesus healed A. Only his own disciples B. Some of those who came to him C. Through the use of mass hypnosis D. As many as touched him E. Very few suck folk
Jesus cast out A. People possessed with demons B. Mental illness C. Superstitions of the common people D. All His evil enemies E. Devils
One time Jesus A. Nearly drowned in a dangerous storm B. Rebuked the winds and the sea C. Had better judgement of the weather conditions D. Cheerfully sang in the rain E. Lost his temper in a ship at sea
Jesus was not A. Rejected by the Jews B. Beaten with stripes under Pilate C. Hung on a tree (wooden) cross D. Crucified E. Received by his own Jewish Nation
T or F
God approved of Jesus by miracles, wonders and signs.
T or F
It was not God’s will for Jesus to be crucified by wicked hands
T or F
God provided redemption through silver and gold
T or F
Jesus was like a lamb, without blemish or spot
T or F
Christ merely swooned on the cross, but later revived in the tomb
T or F
The disciples of Jesus took his body out of the sepulcher so the Jews could not get it
T or F
After four days Jesus rose again from the dead
T or F
Jesus rose the first day of the week, which is Sunday, Saturday, the sabbath.
T or F
It seems some of the grief-stricken disciples only felt they saw Jesus
T or F
The 12 apostles were the only ones who claim to see Jesus after His resurrection
T or F
It was impossible to openly speak of Christ’s resurrection in the city of Jerusalem due to Jewish pressure.
T or F
Jesus did not expect his followers to go preaching the gospel to all races of people
T or F
Jesus said his disciples would receive power after they witnessed for him
T or F
Ye shall receive the Holy Ghost after that witnessing comes upon you
T or F
While they looked on, Jesus ascended up into a cloud, unto the heaven
T or F
Jesus is our great high priest
T or F
Jesus is our Advocate (attorney) with the Father
T or F
Jesus has already come again in the hearts of his believers, so we don’t look for him in the heavens
When Adam sinned \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. Sin entered the world by death B. Adam entered the world by sin C. Death entered the world by sin D. Adam entered the world by death E. Satan entered the world by sin
Sin is ________________.
A. Sometimes wrong, but in other countries not wrong
B. Only a relative moral issue
C. Not committed by decent, upstanding, citizens
D. Committed by only convicted criminals
E. Inherited, personal, and universal
It is appointed unto man ______________.
A. To die and that is the end of him
B. To come back and communicate with others, after death
C. To be reincarnated until perfected
D. To die, but afterwards to be judged
E. To be judged, and then die for his sins
We should especially fear
A. The devil who can cast us into hell
B. People, who are usually out to murder us
C. Death, for self preservation and survival
D. Him which is able to destroy body and soul
E. Whoever can kill our physical body
We can be saved _______________.
A. Only if we never commit any sins
B. By the law and judgment of God
C. By works of righteousness, if we do enough
D. Only if our good deeds outweigh our evil deeds
E. Paul, the chief of sinners, and other Bible charcaters
Jesus came into the world to save ________.
A. The righteous
B. Anyone who may have sinned
C. Most of the church folks
D. Sinners
E. Paul, the chief of sinners, and other Bible characters
We will not be cast out ________________.
A. If we faithfully attend church and pay our tithes
B. If we don’t get excommunicated
C. Because all men shall be eventually saved
D. If we just come to Jesus
E. Because God is too merciful to let anyone go to a burning hell forever
In order to have eternal life ______________.
A. First meditate until you understand the Theological systems of Christianity
B. We must know about the historical figure called Jesus of Nazareth
C. Jump as high and shout as loud as anyone else who’s got it
D. You’ve got to dutifully practice the religion of the group you belong to
E. Can’t expect to have any more fun now
He that is in Christ __________.
A. Should solemnly vow to God to do a little better
B. Hopes to turn over a new leaf in life soon
C. Should immediately start making new years resolutions
D. Old things are passed away, and all things are become new
E. Can’t expect to have any more fun now
God is not willing that any ____________.
A. Should be saved who have committed mortal sins
B. Repent, but that all should perish
C. Perish who are unwilling to repent
D. Should perish, but that all should repent
E. Should repent if it embarrasses or upsets them
We are to forsake __________.
A. Our wicked ways and sinful thoughts
B. Our family, home and friends
C. Everything we have ever learned
D. All churches because they are just hypocrites
E. Modern inventions, comforts and such like
No one can be saved ____________.
A. Who does not believe on Jesus
B. Who refuses to cooperate with leaders at headquarters
C. Is not a member of the only true denomination
D. Who is associated with a man made organization of fellowship
E. Is not baptized in water
Ye must be born again of ___________.
A. A seed
B. A gradual development of divine awareness
C. Your own mother
D. The Word and Spirit of God
E. Pure running water (indoor or outdoor)
T or F
We have no choice in the matter of Salvation
T or F
“Whosoever” in Jn. 3:16 does not mean just anyone
T or F
We will not escape, if we neglect so great Salvation
T or F
The time to get saved is always “now”
T or F
If you are not saved, it’s not God’s time yet
T or F
Believers in Christ are becoming sons of God, but are not sons yet
T or F
If and when we get to heaven, then we will know that we are saved
T or F
We know we have passed from life to death because we love the brethren
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If we keep God’s word, the love of God is perfected in us
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If we keep God’s Word we are in Christ
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We are kept by the power of God regardless of our faith
T or F
We can keep ourselves saved without the supernatural power of God.
T or F
Paul committed the keeping of his soul unto Christ
T or F
God cannot keep us from falling
T or F
We shall be presented faultless before the presence of God’s glory
T or F
We have been chosen before the foundation of the world
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God predestinated us unto the adoption of children
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We have been called to be God’s grandchildren
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We may be a son or daughter of God but we are not co-heirs with Christ
T or F
If we suffer with Christ, we will be glorified with him
T or F
Some who receive the word, endure for a while, but get offended when persecution arises
T or F
If the world dislikes you, you must not be a true Christian
T or F
If you do not endure to the end, you shall be saved
T or F
There’s no need for Paul to warn us not to be moved away from the hope of the gospel
T or F
We are of the household of Christ, even though we may not hold fast our confidence and rejoicing
T or F
If ye live after the flesh ye shall live forevermore
T or F
If you mortify the deeds of the flesh ye shall die
T or F
If we continue in God’s goodness we shall not be cut off
T or F
No one but Solomon could serve God with a perfect heart and a willing mind
T or F
The Bible says, though we forsake God he through his love will never forsake us