Exercises and Exams Flashcards
1.1 a)
Find matrix corresponding to reflection in y=ax.
1.1 b)
Find A, b such that T(x) = Ax + b is reflection in y=ax + b
1.1 e)
is the composition of two reflections always a rotation?
1.2 b)
find the rotation that maps (0,0) -> (2,2), (1.-1) -> (1,1).`
1.2 d)
can you tell whether a matrix is a reflection or a rotation from its eigenvalues.
Show that if (X, d_X) and (Y, d_Y) are isometric Euclidean spaces, then they are both isometric to E^n for some n.
Show that if x,y,z colinear, then z = x + \lambda(y-x), \lambda \in (0,1).
T: R^3 -> R^3 is an isometry such that T(0,1,1) = (2,1,1), T(0,1,-1) = (2,1,-1), T(1,-1,0) = (0,2,0), T(-1, -1, 0) = (0,0,0).
a) What is T(0)?
b) find A, b such that T(x) = Ax + b. Are they unique?
Prove that for c \in R^n, not zero, and b \in R, {v \in R^n : <v, c> = b} is a hyperplane.
Prove that if R is a reflection, and T is any isometry, then T^-1(R(T))) is a reflection.
Suppose R reflects \Pi = V + b. Show that R commutes with x ._ x + v.
If L = P + Rv, L’ = P’ + Rv’, then L=L’ iff. v’, P-P’ \in Rv.
Let L:R^(n+1) -> R^(n+1) be a linear isometry, show that x -> L(x) sends great circles to great circles on S^2
Find a,b such that L_1 = H^2 \cap {x_1 = ax_2 + bx_2} projects to line in (x2-x3)-plane that contains point (2,0).
Find matrix A \in O(1,2) such that L1 is mapped to x_2 = 0.
Is the above A unique.
Show that x x_L y is Lorentz orthogonal to x and y.