Exercises à la Barre Flashcards
Exercices à la Barre
Exercises at the Barre
Pliés - Pointe Tendue, et un Demi Plié, et un Grand Plié
Stretched point, one half bending movement, and one large bending movement - in second, first, fifth in back, and fifth in front.
Battements Tendus en Croix et á la Seconde
Stretched beatings in the pattern if a cross and to the side - 2 sets en croix and 8 to the side closing back first.
Préparation pour Posé et Jeté
Preparation for a posing step and a.throwing step - 2 prep for posé front, 2 prep for jeté side closing front first, coupé front foot w/ plié, coupé back foot w/plié. Reverse all.
Ronds de Jambe á Terre en Dehors et en Dedan
Circles of the leg on the ground outward and inward - 4 outward and 4 inward.
Battements Frappés
Struck beatings - total of 16, finish open.
Grand Battements
Large beatings - 4 to the front, 4 to the side closing front first, after lowering to tendue on the 4th turn to face barre closing fifth back, then execute 4 to the back.
Withdrawn movements - total of 8
Developing or unfolding movements - 1 to the front, 1 to the side, 1 to the back, tendue to the side, turn to face barre, close fifth back
Échappés Relevés Changés
Escaping movements raised and changed - total of 16
Relevés en Cinquième Position
Rises in the fifth position - 7 and 1 échappé relevé. Reverse.
Temps Levé
Raised movements - jump upward landing with fully stretched R foot in back of L ankle, repeat temps levé 2 more times, jump to first position; reverse, repeat alternating feet - total of 8