Exerçise Prescription And Management Flashcards
Is the capability of an individual to efficiently carry out physical activities without the possibility of over exhausting oneself.
Physical Fitness
Is the ability of the body to meet the demands of daily physical effort and activity, to have enough energy to reserve for unexpected emergencies and to enjoy the feeling of well-being that regular exercise brings.
Health Related Fitness Components (HRF)
The ability of the muscle to REPEATEDLY EXERT themselves over a period of time.
Muscular endurance
The ability of the muscles to exert MAXIMAL FORCE against a RESISTANCE
Muscular strength
The ability of the heart, blood vessels, blood and respiratory system to supply oxygen and fuel to the muscles at a steady rate for a considerable length of time
Cardio-vascular Endurance
The ability to move the body joints through the full range of motion (ROM) without discomfort or pain.
is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone, water, and muscle in human bodies.
Body composition
are associated more with performance than good health. To complete in selective supporting activities, one develops a high level of health related fitness plus Performance related fitness.
Performance related fitness components
The ability to quickly and accurately change the direction of the movement of the entire body in space.
The ability to maintain EQUILIBRIUM while stationary or moving
The ability to COMBINE THE SENSES with the body parts to perform activities smoothly and accurately
Is the duration between the STIMULATION and the response to the stimulation
Reaction time
Is the ability to perform a movement in a SHORT PERIOD OF TIME
A type of physical activity that REQUIRES A PLANNED STRUCTURED, and repetitive body movement to improve or maintain one more components of physical fitness
A body movement that is produced by the CONTRACTION of skeletal muscles and that substantially increase energy expenditure
Physical activity