Exercise physiology Flashcards
How can we measure metabolic rate and what does this assume?
Oxygen consumption
Assumes that the pulmonary oxygen uptake corresponds to oxygen uptake by the tissues = steady state
How do we calculate respiratory rate ?
RR = breaths taken x 60 / time taken for gas collection
How do we calculate pulmonary ventilation?
PV = 60 x 1.1 x volume of expired gas / time taken for gas collection
How do we calculate mean tidal volume?
How do we calculate O2 consumption rate ?
PV x ( 20.83 - %expired O2) x 0.86/ 100
How do we calculate CO2 consumption rate ?
PV x % CO2 expired x 0.86/100
How do we calculate the respiratory quotant?
CO2 consumption rate/ oxygen consumption rate
How does SBP + DBP change at onset of exercise, during exercise and post exercise?
SBP increases linearly with exercise intensity
More blood is pumped out heart, the pressure rises in the blood vessels transporting the blood
Minimal change in DBP
What is a normal pulse pressure and how does it change during exercise?
Pulse pressure increases due to increased stroke volume and the speed at which the stroke volume is ejected
Why is a high PP a concern?
Can be caused by HBP or atherosclerosis. Often associated with increases risk of heart attack or stroke.
How does metabolism change at onset to exercise. during exercise and post exercise?
Glucose is used rapidly when exercise is initiated and increases according to exercise intensity
What is ventilatory threshold?
The point at which ventilation increases faster than your VO2 ( volume of oxygen consumed)
How does the body increases its metabolic rate during moderate sustained exercise?
Increase in HR and increase in ventilation rate to deliver more O2 to the working contracting muscles
Increased BMR is needed to sustain the increased energy requirements when exercising
What happens to the ventilation rate in short high intensity exercise?
No sharper rise in ventilation as oxygen needs to reach the muscles much faster and more CO2 needs to be expired. This type of exercise would also be anaerobic
How does the RQ change at rest and during exercise?
At rest the ratio is lower
Increases as exercise intensity increases as the body becomes more reliable on carbohydrates such as glucose
If the RQ is near 1 the person is using mostly carbs
At rest and easy aerobic exercise the respiratory quota is less because the cells are able to use other fuel sources
High intensity exercise can cause an RQ of 1.5 or 2. Can you explain the changes in metabolism that may account for such values?
Anaerobic fuel source
CO2 is being produced by other means
The body is undergoing high intensity exercise so lactic acid is produced in anaerobic respiration
Hyperventilation to remove XS CO2
Why do patients with diabetes have a lower RQ value?
They have less insulin/decreased insulin sensitivity so less glucose its taken up by the muscles.
The body relies more on fat as a fuel source