Exercise Physiology 4 Review Flashcards
Diabetes Type 1
-lack of insulin
-viral infections
-Monitor glucose before and after PA
Diabetes Type 2
-insulin resistant
-upper body obesity
Diabetes Type 1 Treatment
Insulin injections
Diabetes Type 2 Treatment
a respiratory problem characterized by SOB and wheezing
Asthma Diagnosis
- due to bronchiole hyper-responsiveness
- swelling of mucosal cells
- hyper secretion of mucus
- done by using pulmonary functional testing
Asthma prevention and relief
avoid allergens
- beta2 receptor agonist works on the lungs
Exercise Induced Asthma
- caused by airway narrowing caused by increased exercise
- caused by cold dry air
EIA Management
- decrease salt
- increase caffeine
- meds
causes reduction in airflow that has a dramatic effect on daily activities
Types of COPD
- Emphysema: irreversible; elastic recoil of alveoli and bronchioles reduced
- Chronic Asthma: decreased ability to exhale “wheezing”
- Bronchitis: persistent production of sputum due to thickened bronchial walls
GOLD Classification
Gold 1: Mild COPD: FEV1 80% predicted
Gold 2: Mod COPD: FEV1 50-79% predicted
Gold 3: Severe COPD: FEV1 30-49% predicted
Gold 4: Very Severe COPD: FEV1 <30% predicted
Dyspnea Scale
Light: barely noticeable
Moderate: bothersome
Mod/sev: very uncomfortable
Most severe: most intense ever experienced
- decreased bone mineral density
- increased fracture risk
Type 1 Osteoperosis
- vertebral and distal radius fractures
Type 2 Osteoporosis
- hip, pelvis, distal humerus fractures
(70+ yo, 2x more women
bone removal
internal lattice structure
dense outer portion of bone