Exercise Physiology Flashcards
Quantifying performance in terms of power
Muscle fiber types
Slow twitch, fast twitch a and b
Slow-twitch muscle fibers
- Fatigue-resistant, for endurance (e.g. keeping your head elevated)
- Least powerful
Fast-twitch a fibers
- Intermediate power
- Fast fatigue-resistant
Fast twitch b fibers
- Most powerful (e.g. for sprints)
- Fast fatigable
- Twice as powerful as slow-twitch
Table showing classification of muscle fiber types
Force is equivalent to ___
Number of cross-bridges per second
Diameter of muscle fibers
Which fibers have the largest diameter and why?
- Fast twitch a
- It’s packing more things into one fiber (more cross-bridges and more mitochondria for aerobic fibers)
- Taking up space is a resource
Fast twitch b fibers are large but ___
Don’t have much oxidative capacity (mitochondrial and capillary densities are low, more space for actin and myosin)
Slow twitch fibers have a very ___ glycolytic capacity
- Low
- It only produces ATP at a certain level, so it can’t have too many cross-bridges
- If it has too many cross-bridges, it would use up ATP too quickly
Glycogen stores in fast-twitch fibers
- Very high
- Because glycolysis is featured
- A lot of ATP is produced
Why does it not make sense to store so much glycogen in slow-twitch fibers?
- The rate at which you can go through glycolysis and feed mitochondria is limited by the sluggishness of the aerobic pathways of the mitochondria
- So no reason to have a lot of glycolytic enzymes, would just cause a buildup of pyruvate
Stained muscle fibers
- Every cell has myosin, but only slow-twitch are dark because of the pH in the lab
- Fast twitch a are the largest
- The same muscle has a mixture of fiber types
Distribution of fiber types (within the same individual)
- Great variability between individuals
- Mostly determined genetically
Energy systems (source of ATP for cross-bridge formation)
What are the three energy systems that act as sources of ATP for cross-bridge formation?
- Phosphogen system
- Glycolytic system
- Oxidative (aerobic)
Phosphogen system
10 seconds
- Stored ATP- 3 secs
- Phosphocreatine - 7 secs
Glycolytic system
1-2 minutes, primarily described fast twitch b muscle fibers
- Glycolysis
- Inefficient (not getting a lot of ATP) but fast
- Buildup of lactic acid- must be buffered
Which type of muscle fiber is the glycolytic system associated with and why?
- Fast twitch b
- They have a lot of glycolytic enzymes in the cytosol
- A lot of carbohydrates to feed into glycolysis
- Not a lot of mitochondria to get in the way or capillaries to take up space
Downside of aerobic pathway for energy
- Stored ATP (phosphogen system) and glycolysis (glycolytic) enable more cross-bridge formation per minute than aerobic
- If you want to maintain cross-bridges using aerobic pathways, a smaller number will be able to be maintained
Capacity of energy systems vs. exercise duration
- Stored energy/phosphocreatine on green line gone quickly (but readily available)
- Glycolysis starts off low and when it turns on (takes a little time) but then spikes, stays there for minutes, then depletes
- For long-term aerobic pathways, it takes minutes for them to get up to full capacity, but can be maintained for hours/days
How do cells know to increase glycolytic pathway activity?
- All happens within the cell
Fiber type recruitment order
As the requirement for more power from muscle contraction increases the recruitment order is as follows:
- Slow-twitch (aerobic): FIRST
- Fast-twitch a (aerobic/anaerobic): SECOND
- Fast-twitch b (anaerobic): LAST
Anaerobic threshold (the old story)
As exercise intensity increases:
- Oxygen levels are insufficient to support aerobic pathways
- Pyruvate, the product of glycolysis, accumulates in cytosol
- At a higher cytosolic concentration of pyruvate the anaerobic enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase now acts on substrate to increase anaerobic metabolism
- Lactate accumulates as “waste product” and enters blood
- Buffering of lactate by HCO3- results in increased VCO2
- VE increases disproportionately to VO2 due to ↓pH and ↑VCO2
- Many subsequent studies do not support this hypothesis.
- Lactate is not just a “waste product” but a resource that is shuttled between cells to be used as fuel, be converted into glucose (in liver) and serve as a signaling molecule (autocrine, paracrine, endocrine)
Comprehensive flowchart of metabolism
- Glycogen or glucose is used in glycolysis to create pyruvate and a little bit of ATP
- Pyruvate enters the Krebs cycle, producing more ATP (slow)
Sources of energy for aerobic pathways:
- Glucose and glycogen
- Free fatty acids (fat is the primary fuel source of the body)
Can fatty acids be used in the glycolytic pathway?
No, they are purely aerobic