Exercise and pregnancy Flashcards
Are babies born to active mothers any smaller?
Many types of maternal non-weight-bearing and weight-bearing exercise have been studied during pregnancy and none appear to increase the risk of an abnormal short-term outcome.
What effect does post-partum exercise have on reducing body fat % in mothers?
o Results of studies performed on breastfeeding women suggest that exercise improves aerobic fitness, plasma lipids and insulin response.
o However, exercise alone without calorie restriction does not promote weight loss.
o Once lactation is established, overweight women may restrict energy intake by 500kcal/d to promote a weight loss of 0.5kg/wk without affecting infant growth
What is the effect of exercise on the quality of breast milk?
Moderate exercise does not affect immunological component concentrations (sIgA, lactoferrin and lysozyme), vitamin B6, or essential fatty acids in breast milk.
Is the normal growth and development negatively affected in children whose mothers were active during pregnancy?
Long-term follow-up data are quite limited, but it appears that beginning or continuing weight-bearing types of exercise during pregnancy has no adverse effects on postnatal growth, health or neurodevelopment
Why might exercise prevent preeclampsia?
o Reduced levels of C-reactive protein
C reactive protein stops endothelium producing NO, thus less vasodilation
o Increased nitric oxide production by endothelium = vasodilation
o Decreased Leptin
Leptin may contribute to hypertension because of its role in stimulating the body to burn fat. Leptin stimulates SNS activity to burn fat – but this increases blood pressure and lead to hypertension
Does being fit help labour?
o Minimal research evidence
Some evidence to support reduced length of labour and complications Inconclusive evidence
o Hypothetically
Higher VO2 should allow female to cope better with O2 demand of labour
Training induced enhancements in beta-endorphins may help
What are the cardiovascular changes during pregnancy?
o The heart adapts to the increased demands placed on it by the enlarging uterus and growing foetus
o ↑ cardiac output 30% to 50%
o Resting heart rate ↑ 25%
5-10 bts.min-1 in the first trimester
15 bts.min-1 in the second and third trimesters
• Increased oestrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin stimulates HR increase
• Sympathetic nervous system activation secondary to maintaining BP
o Oestrogen / progesterone reduce peripheral vascular resistance by 20%, thus HR must increase to maintain BP
o Stroke volume ↑ 25%
↑ blood volume
• Progesterone increases production of Renin by kidney Sodium reabsorbed Kidneys reabsorb fluid to expand plasma volume
• Increased EDV
Increased LV size due to maternal hormones
• Oestrogen stimulates myocardial hypertrophy and increased contractility
• Increased blood volume stimulates some myocardial hypertrophy
• Growth is eccentric rather than concentric
Reduction in peripheral vascular resistance
10% growth in SV even by 1st trimester
o ↑ in blood volume - 35% to 50%
Blood pressure - Increased volume offset by an increase in venous capacitance = blood pressure is not increased
• Problems with postural hypotension
↑ vasodilation at the skin, increases heat loss - help to prevent hyperthermia during exercise
• results from a relatively greater increase in plasma volume than red cell mass (only ↑ 20%)
• Hb 150g.L-1 pre-pregnancy to 120g.L-1 in 3rd trimester
White cell production also increased
o Blood clotting risk may increase and there will be a tendency to develop varicose veins
Relaxation of the blood vessel walls with hormonal changes (to keep BP normal after ↑ in blood volume) and from the pressure of the uterus on the inferior vena cava
Exercise assists blood flow in the legs and feet and helps prevent or minimize these problems.
What are the pulmonary changes during pregnancy?
o Elevation of diaphragm as pregnancy progresses
o Uterine enlargement can elevate the diaphragm up to 4 cm
reduces reserve volume by 25%
o Rib cage flairs outwards – reducing filling effectiveness
o The work of breathing is increased at rest and during exercise
Due to diaphragm resistance
What are the aerobic changes during pregnancy?
o ↑ Performance in endurance athletic activities
may improve during the first 12 to 15 weeks of pregnancy, before the increase in body weight and uterine size reduces or stops involvement in competitive athletics.
The increase in performance results from the increased blood volume and red blood cell mass
o After 2nd trimester PVO2 (mL.kg-1) may ↓
↑ oxygen demand of foetus
↑ body mass
o Resting oxygen consumption is also increased by up to 15 - 30%
due to the enlarging uterus and growing foetus
Increased work of breathing
when uterine contents are subtracted maternal increases by approximately 4 %
What substrates are used during pregnancy?
o ↑ CHO usage
Foetal demand for glucose is large (main food source)
o ↑ maternal insulin production
↑ oestrogen causes β-cell hyperplasia in pancreas
↑ Insulin production ⇒ hyperinsulinemia
Stimulates lipogenesis by the mother increasing fat deposition
o Insulin resistance
Late gestation, insulin resistance may develop
2-3% of women have gestational diabetes
• Increased Human Placental Lactogen counters insulin effects
o Reduced CHO use by mother, but this leaves more CHO for foetus
o Mum has to rely more on her body fat → Lipolysis → reduced adiposity
What are the gastrointestinal changes during pregnancy?
Increased plasma progesterone (a smooth muscle relaxant) + increased uterine size =
slowing of gastrointestinal motility
relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter, which leads to increased gastric reflux ie: heartburn
What are the musculoskeletal changes during pregnancy?
o 60% women experience low back pain during pregnancy
o Anterior displacement of the enlarging uterus
changes the woman’s centre of gravity
exaggerates normal lumbar lordosis
o ↑ in hormone levels (especially progesterone, but also relaxing)
promotes ligament and joint laxity
Pelvic area susceptible
o The enlarging breasts
centre of gravity moves inferiorly and anteriorly
increased weight can contribute to upper back and shoulder pain
What are the body massage chances during pregnancy?
Average weight gain ≅ 12 kg fetus 3.5kg Uterus 1.0 kg Placenta 0.6kg Amniotic fluid 0.8kg Breast enlargement 1.5kg Maternal fluid gain 2.0kg Maternal fat 2.5kg