exercise Flashcards
Who requires medical clearance?
asymptomatic with disease who does not usually exercise will require clearing between moderate and vigorous exercise.
Asymptomatic with disease who do usually exercise do not need clearance for mod exercise but do before vigorous activity.
Any symptomatic patient requires clearance for all exercise.
NNHANES -3 (1988-1994) study and results?
only 33% with HTN councelled on PA
71% who were councelled decreased BP by 3-4mmHg
Meta-analysis of office based physical activity councelling?
13 papers
primary care
NNT = 12
5 As?
ask advice agree assist FU
Who are exercise stress tests used for?
intermediate pts e.g CP but negative Trop/HF with risks of syncope
1/10,000 - death
CI: mi 2 days ago, HTN emergencies, decomp HF, unstable angina, severe AS, aortic dissection, uncont. arrthymias.
- P.A councelling - small effect in older patients
- councelling and Px - greatest effect
6 months later, 7 day recall
Older pt >50 years - double mod-vig PA - increased by 131 minutes
Younger patients - increased PA by just 31.5mins (7% chance of meeting guidelines)
Activity counselling trial?
54 practices
3-4 mins PA advice
99% had advice
63% little or no increase in length
83% said it was as asset
ACSM exercise programme?
- Initial stage: 1-6 weeks - Moderate intensity (40-60% HRR), start 15 mins and progress to 30 mins,
3-4 TIMES/WEEK - Improvement stage: 4-8 months - after target duration and frequency achieved, INCREASE INTENSITY
increase HR by no more than 5% every 6th session
increase duration by no more than 20% each week until 20-30 minute continuous mod-vig activity
- Maintenance stage - reached goal, at least 0th percentirl in all health fitness
MAX HR - resting HR
max HR = 220- age
What conditions require med clearance?
metabolic and renal
pulm disease - not needed, if uncontrolled may need to make accomodations
Grip strength
indicator of mortality and functionality in elderly
1 rep max indicator of?
muscle strength
Muscular fitness correlates with?
<3 reps of a task prior to fatigue
Subcut is proportional to?
total amount of body fat
Calliper skin fold thickeness accuracy?
within 3.5%