Executive Dysfunction Flashcards
What is the executive function?
Allows for the maintenance of goals
What are the components of the executive function?
- Inhibition
- Visual imagery - ability to hold images in mind
- Inner voice
- Emotional control
- Planning and problem solving
What categories can the components of the executive function be grouped into?
1) Inhibition of inappropriate behaviour
2) Control of emotions
3) Planning and problem solving
What are the issues with definitions of executive function?
1) resemble definition for intelligence
2) matches the norms of a society
What are the characteristics of ADHD?
Inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness
How can ADHD affect people?
An impairment despite normal IQ
- Large number of adults matched with IQ followed for 15 years
- Higher number with ADHD were suspended, fired from employment or had not graduated high school
What can executive dysfunction also be a symptom of?
- Schizophrenia
- Depression
- Dementia
- Parkinsons
What is the clinical definition of executive dysfunction?
A mismatch between intelligence and disability in real life tasks
What are the cognitive psychology definitions of executive function?
A family of top-down mental proccesses which are needed to concentrate and pay attention when going on intuition would be ill advised
What are common diagnostic tests for executive dysfunction?
- Stroop task
- Card sorting task (into deck, told if correct or incorrect, rule not known)
- Fluency task (write as many words starting with the same letter in 2 minutes)
What do the diagnostic tests for executive dysfunction measure?
Stroop - inhibition, flexibility
Card - inhibition, flexibility, working memory
Fluency - working memory, planning and inhibition
What are the potential problems with tests of executive function?
- Relies on language ability which can be impacted by aphasia
- Normal executive function can worsen to to other factors e.g lack of sleep
- The emotional aspect of executive dysfunction is not assesed
What are the two components of the short term memory?
- Short term storage
- Working memory
What brain regions are activation of the working memory associated with?
Frontal, parietal and temporal cortex
What are the roles of norepinephrine and dopamine in executive function?
- Both modulate neuronal firing in attentional systems
- Too little or too much can result in faulty firing
- Therefore can be used to treat executive dysfunction, however, effect depends on starting state
What is cognitive rehabilitation?
- Can train working memory, independence and compensation in patients with frontal lobe brain lesions - however no significant measure increase in working memory, global EF or quality of life (meta-analysis of 13 studies)
What measures have tried to improve executive function in children?
- Cognitive training
- Sports
However only a few poorly designed studies
Training only helps individuals with low EF score
What evidence is there that self control is ‘like a muscle’?
People who had to resist eating a cookie and instead eat a radish then performed more poorly on an executive function task
What are cognitive enhancer drugs?
ADHD drugs taken by healthy people in order to enhance productivity for intellectual challenges
- Taken in 1/4 >25 years
- Reported increase in mental energy and sustained thinking
What have meta-analyses of cognitive enhancers found?
- Significant increase in memory but not on EF
- Sleep deprived individuals overestimate performnce
- Improvement in attention and wakefulness
- Improvement of executive function in sleep deprived individuals
How effective is cognitive training in ADHD treatment?
- Improved working memory performance but limited effects of ADHD symptoms
- Little transfer - may need to target a greater variety of neuropsychological deficits
Give an example of a working memory task vs a short term storage task
Working memory - verbal 2-back test, shown letters with task of stating whether each letter was shown two slides ago
Short term storage - was letter in previously shown group
Where is norepinephrine produced in the brain?
In locus coreolus
How effective are pharmacological treatments of ADHD?
Have shown some positive long term effects as far as in self-esteem, social functioning and academics. However limited effects on antisocial behaviour and problems in occupation