Excretory Products And Their Elimination Flashcards
In the which part reabsorb most water and electrolyte
Elongated tube like cells with thicked cell wall and tapering end
Tube like structure made up of many cells each cell with lignified wall and large central cavity
Bldood supply to kidney
1000/1100 ml/min
Urine formation
60 ml/min
Urine is usually acidic because
H+ ions are actively secreted into the filtrate
Any increase in cretenine level increase in abnormal kidneys functioing
The base of pyramids is directedinward and apex outward
Wrong apex inward and base outward
Funtionof secretion of erythropoietin
Towards the center of outer convex surface of kidney is a notch called helium
Wrong towards inner concave surface
Inner to helium is broad funnel shaped spaced calle
Renal pelvis
Renal tubule begins with cup shaped like structure called
Bowman capsule
The DCT of many nephrons opens into the straight tube like structure called collecting duct which converge and opens into the renal pelvis through medullary pyramids
Peritubular capillary
Efferent areteriole rmmerging from glomerulus form a fine capillary network around renal tubule
Roughly one fifth of cardiac out put is pump by each ventricle if heart in minute
Glomerulus hydrostatic pressure is oppose by
Blood osmotic pressure and capsular hydrostatic pressure
GFR in healthy individual
125ml/min and 180 liter/day
Absorption of water is maximum in
Renini is released by
Reabsorbtion of water also occur passively in the initial segment of nephron
Reabsorbtion is mimmium in
Ascending limb of loop henle
Maintance of high osmolarity in medullary interstitium
Loop of henle
Conditional absorbtion of water and NA is in
The proximity between between loop of henle and vesa recta help in
Maintaining an increasing osmolarity toward the inner medulla interstitium
Small amount of urea enter in
Thin segment of ascending limb of loop henle
Presence of such interstital gradient helps in
Easy passage of water from the collecting tubule
ADH facilitate water reabsorbtion from distal part of tubule and thereby preventing diuresis
Wrong reabsorbtion from latter part of tubule
A= ADH can also act affect the kidney function by its constritory effect on blood vessel
R= an increase in blood pressure can increase the glomerulus blood flow and thereby the GFR
Both correct and correct explanation
Angiosten 2 also activates
Release of aldosterone
Aldosterone cause the reabsorbtion of NA and water from the ________ part of tubule
Distal part
Saliva secreted nitrogenous waste