Excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle. Mechanism of cardiac muscle contraction Flashcards
step 1
- Action potentials in cardiac muscle
- Refractory periods
- Rhythmical excitation of the heart
step 2
transverse T tubules carry the AP from sarcolemma to inside cell
causing open of voltage gated sodium ion channels
- influx of na+
- making MP inside more positive
step 3
calcium induced calcium release
voltage gated calcium L type channels open
= Ca2+ influx
RyR2 receptors = Ca2+ influx
more calcium needed for muscle contraction
step 4a
calcium binds to troponin C on actin = conformational changes on troponin-tropomyosin complex
step 4b
(thick) myosin binding site on actin is now exposed
step 4c
myosin head binds to exposed myosin binding site on actin = sliding filament = cross bridge formation
step 4d
ATP hydrolysed releasing ADP + Pi which pulls actin towards centre = muscle shortens = power stroke = muscle contraction
step 5
- calcium taken back to SR by Ca2+/ATPase pump
- Na+/Ca2+ exchanger pumps calcium out of plasmamembrane
- tropomyosin to go back to myosin binding site on actin
- myocyte now relaxed
step 6
voltage gated sodium ion channel close
voltage gated potassium ion channel open = RMP restored, next AP ready