Excematous Dermatoses Flashcards
atopic dermatitis - pathogenesis
- mutation in filaggrin (component of stratum cornuem), resulting a barrier dysfunction defect of epidermis characterized by
water loss & xerosis (dry skin) leading to
- -> penetration of allergens / irritants
water loss & xerosis (dry skin) leading to
atopic dermatitis - demographics
- high income / urban areas (hygeine hypothesis)
- early onset - almost all by cases by 5 yrs
- mostly in children
what is the atopic triad?
- a triad that is the most common way in which atopic dermatitis tends to present =
- atopic dermatitis
- allergic rhinitis
- asthma
atopic dermatitis - diagnosis
- requires the following clinical presentation
pruritis during all stages + 3 of the following:
- onset < 2 yrs
- hx of xerosis (dry skin)
- hx of another component of atopic triad: rhinitis OR asthma
- hx of skin crease involvement
- visible flexural dermatitis
pruritis during all stages + 3 of the following:
atopic dermatitis - infantile presentation
- infantile = 0 - 6mos
- acute flares
- favors face + scalp + extensor surfaces

atopic dermatitis - childhood presentation
- childhood = 2 yr - 12 yr
- chronic > acute
- factors flexures
- diffuse xerosis more prominent

atopic dermatiits - adult presentation
- adult / adolescent = > 12 yo
- prominent involvement of flexures
- characterized by thickened, chronic plaques
- lichenified plaques - cobblestoned appearance in areas of itching
- isolated prurigo nodularis - plaques in regions of itching

infantile dermatitis:
- 0-6 mos
- acute flares on face + scalp + extensor surfaces

atopic dermatitis - childhood
- 2 yrs - 12 yrs
- favors flexures
- diffuse xerosis prominent

lichenification - cobblestoning plaques over skin that has been scratched
adult atopic dermatiits

isolated prurigo nodularis - plaques where pt has been itching (in right pic, patient’s upper back has no plaques b/c he can’t reach there to itch)
atopic dermatitis - adults

atopic dermatitis - associated feature
pityriasis alba: hypopigmentation
- more prominent in the summer
- clears up w/ topic steroids

atopic dermatitis - associated feature
- keratosis pilaris - improves with age

atopic dermatitis - associated feature
impetiginized lesions: infections of lesions d/t constant scratching
- staph infection = m/c (can also be d/t HIV)

atopic dermatitis - associated features
- dennie-morgan lines - “pleat” under the eye

atopic dermatitis - associated feature
- keratoconus - cone shaped cornea

atopic dermatitis - associated feature
- allergic salute: permanent crase on the bridge of nose d/t constant runny nose & subsequent rubbing

atopic dermatitis - associated feature
- sign of hertoghe: loss of lateral brow

atopic dermatitis - associated feature
- ichthyosis vulgaris: “fish like scale” - polygonal white & brown scaling that favors the shins

atopic dermatitis - associated feature
- palmar & plantar hyperlinearity
summarize the associated features of atopic dermatitis
- pityriasis
- keratosis pilaris
- impetiginized
- dennie-morgan lines
- keratoconus
- allergic salute
- ichthyosis vulgaris
- palmar & plantar hyperlinearity

- nipple dermatitis
- an example of a regional variant of atopic dermatitis
- bilateral dermatitis of the nipple
- if it is instead UNILATERAL: be sure fo consider paget’s disease!!

- diapaer / napkin dermatitis
- _a regional varian_t of atopic dermatitis
- note that this sparing of the flexural crease - as opposed to candida, which causes all encompassing erythema that includes folds & flexural creases
summarize the prevenative treatment of atopic dermatiits
- use of emolliants: THIS IS KEY - find an emolliant ur pt likes & can use for awhile
- short, lukewarm baths: too hot = dry skin
- bleach baths (1/3 bleach 1-2x/ week)- esp if pt has hx of skin infection (staph)
- wet dressing
- fragrance filled products
- irritants
+ in pregnant women: breastfeed with hydrolyzed milk products + use probiotics
what are the ways that women can prevent atopic dermatitis in their newborns?
- breastfeeding/formulas that contain hydrolyzed milk products for the first 4-6 mos (esp in high risk)
- take probiotics pre & post naatl
summarize the medical treatment of atopic dermatitis
in general: treatment ladder, starting with the best:
topical corticosteroids - mainstay of treatment!!
steroids -> non-steroidal maintance: calcinurin inhibitors, PDE-4 inhibitors
- this prevents steroid AEs
steroids -> non-steroidal maintance: calcinurin inhibitors, PDE-4 inhibitors
- light therapy - nbUVB > bbUVB, UVA1, PUVA
- systemic meds
for flare ups specifically:
topical steroids: but can alternate between potent & low/medium strengths
- clobetasol/betmethasone BID s 2 weeks, then
- triamcinolone BID x 2 weeks
what is the medical treatment for atopic dermatis flares?
topical steroids: but can alternate between potent & low/medium strengths
- clobetasol/betmethasone BID s 2 weeks, then
- triamcinolone BID x 2 weeks
- have what adverse effects (AE) ?
- how do we lessen these AES in the management of atopic dermatitis ?
- AEs
- atrophy / stretch marks
- acne
- tachyphylaxis
fungal infections (tinea incognito)
- steroids C/I to tx fungal infections
- steroid AES are lessened by:
- eventually switching to non-steroidals: calcinurin, PDE-4 inhibitors)
- alternating between high & lose dose topicals in acute-flare ups
atopic dermatits - prognosis
50% remit by early adulthood. if it does persistent beyond childhood, it tends to be chronic

steroid AE: steroid induced acne

steroid AE: steroid-induced atrophy

steroid AE: steroid induced atrophy

steroid AE: steroid induced atrophy (stretch marks(

steroid AE: steroid induced atrophy

steroid AE: steroid induced atrophy (stretch marks)

tinea incognito: a fungal infection + steroid
do NOT use steroids to tx a fungal infecgtion
asteototic dermatitis
- is also called?
- pathogenesis
- demographics
- presentation
- management
- also called eczema craquele: “cracked porcelain”
- pathogenesis: elderly people have less natural moisturizing factors. in winter, when humidity is low, water loss -> xerosis with fine cracking
- demographics:
- elderly people
- winter time
- demographics:
- presentation:
- pruritic
- erythema + scaling
- favors lower legs
- treatment: just like AD
- prevention: emolliants
- tx: topical steroids

asteototic dermatitis (eczema craquele)
circumostomy eczema
- pathogenesis
- demographics
- presentation
- treatment
- pathogenesis: type of irritant contact dermatitis in which fectal matter -> skin breakdown
- demographics: had an ostomy
- presentation: see photograph
- treatment:
- proper hygeine
- appliance: must be hypoallergenic & cut proplerly

dyshidrotic eczema
- pathogenesis
- demographics
- presentation
- treatment
- pathogenesis: symmetrical hand & foot vesicles d/t either allergic contact > fungal infection
- demographics: n/a
- presentation: vesicles (< 1 cm blisters) that
- are on hand & feet
- are symmetrical
- appear “tapioca like”
- ARE PAINFUL (chief complaint) +/- puritis
- treatment: topical steroids

hand eczema
- pathogenesis
- demographics
- presentation
- treatment
- pathogenesis: dermatitis d/t water exposure to hands
- demographics: those w/ exposure to water:
- occupation involving wet work
- 20-29 females from child care / housing cleaning
- *possible link to with filagrin mutation
- treatment:
- general: avoidance:
- wash hands infrequently !!
- wear rubber cloves when cleaning
- flares topical steroids under gloves to 3 nights
- general: avoidance:
juvenile plantar dermatosis
- pathogenesis
- demographics
- presentation
- treatment
- pathogenesis: prologed wearing of sports shoes -> irritates plantar surface of forefoot
- presentation: plantar surface of forefoot that is dry, scaly & glazed
- demographics: preburbital children >3
- esp those with atopic diathesis
- esp in the winter
- treatment: replace socks with 100% cotton socks

nummular eczema
- pathogenesis
- demographics
- presentation
- treatment
- pathogenesis: unknown
- demographics: n./a
- presentation: round, coin shaped pink plaques that are
- m/c on the extremities
- very pruritic
- treatment: mid-high potency steroids

stasis dermatitis
- pathogenesis
- demographics
- presentation
- treatment
- pathogenesis: incompetent valves of the lower extremities: HTN overrides capillaries -> capillary leak -> extravasation of fluid & blood contents into ECF
- demographics: n/a
- presentation: pitting edema & demosiderin deposits that are
- over distal third of leg beginning at the median ankle
- can evolve to lipodermatosclerosis: “inverted wine bottle”
- treatment: compression stockings

circumostomy eczema

dyshidrotic eczema
“tapioca-like”, pruritic vesiscles that are symmetrical over the hand & foot

juvenile plantar dermatosis
dry, scaly, glazed plantar surface of the forefoot

juvenile plantar dermatosis
dry, scaly, glazed plantar surface of the forefoot

nummular eczema (discoid eczema)
round, coin shaped pink plaques over the extremities

stasis dermatitis
pitting edema & hemodiersin deposits over distal third of leg (starting at medial ankle)