Excel Ch 1 Flashcards
An Excel file made up of a collection of worksheets.
An electronic ledger where you enter data in Excel (also called a sheet). The worksheet appears as a grid made up of rows and columns where you can enter and then manipulate data using functions, formulas, and formatting
A horizontal group of cells. Rows are identified by numbers. Fro example, the third row is labeled with the number 3.
A vertical group of cells. Columns are identified by letters. For example, the fourth column is labeled with the letter D.
The intersection of a row and column in a spreadsheet.
Cell Address
The column and row position that defines a cell. For example, the cell at the intersection of column B and Row 4 has a cell address of B4.
Cell range
A contiguous group of cells. A cell range is identified by the address of the cell in the upper left corner of the range, followed by a colon, and then the address of the cell in the lower right corner of the range. The cell range B3:D5 includes cells B3, B4, B5, C3, C4, C5, D3, D4, and D5.
Formula bar
Data entry area directly below the Ribbon and above the worksheet grid.
Name box
Appears at the left side of the formula bar and displays the address of the selected cell or the name of a named range.
Status bar
Appears at the bottom of the worksheet grid and can display information about the selected data, including the number of cells selected that contain data (count) and the average and sum (total) of the selected values (when appropriate).
Vertical scroll bar
The scrollbar located along the right side of the window. Click the arrows at the ends of the scroll bars to move up and down to see more cells in an individual worksheet.
Horizontal scroll bar
The scrollbar located at the bottom of the window. Click the arrows at the ends of the scroll bars to move left and right to see more cells in an individual worksheet.
Row selector
The box with the row numbers at the left side of the worksheet grid. Clicking this box will select the entire row.
Column selector
The box with the column letter at the top of the worksheet grid. Clicking this box will select the entire column.
Protected View
Provides a read-only format that protects your computer from becoming infected by a virus or other malware.
Message Bar
Displays a warning at the top of the window, below the ribbon, when a file is opened in Protected View.
Trusted Document
A document originally displayed in Protected View that has been marked as safe for editing.
Ready mode
The data entry method used in Excel to change the contents of the entire cell by clicking the cell once and then typing the data.
Edit mode
the data entry method used in Excel to change only part of the cell data by double-clicking the cell, and then moving the cursor within the cell to insert or delete data.
General number format
Number format that right-aligns numbers in the cells but does not maintain a consistent number of decimal places (43.00 appears as 43, while 42.25 stays 42.25) and does not display commas (so 1,123,456 appears as 1123456).
Accounting Number Format
Aligns the $ at the left side of the cell, displays two places after the decimal, and aligns all numbers at the decimal point. Zero amounts are displayed as dashes (-).
Percent Style format
Displays numbers as % with zero places to the right of the decimal point.
Comma Style format
Number format similar to the Accounting Number Format, but without the currency symbol.
Number format
An Excel cell format that stores data as numbers and shows two decimal places by default (so 43 displays as 43.00) but does not include commas.